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Dennis Hallmen

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  1. For some reason my GSAP code returns "GSAP target [object Object] not found." for almost all objects that are animated on the page. The thing is though that all the objects or variables that are animated exist on the page. See the images. And this is not a problem with the animations themselves, because they all work. I am just confused to where this console warning comes from? Here is. what my console looks like. And when clicking on one of these objects to see where it comes from this is what it says. Its refering to the $("[hoverstagger='true']") just under //Hover Stagger Animation But here you can see that it exists on the page. And also, console logging it as shown below, also returns with the objects, showing it exists. This also happens for timeline tweens like "tl.to(target..." and "mm.add" which is refering to "let mm = gsap.matchMedia();" Any ideas to what the cause of this might be? This is a Webflow project and the code lives in a Codesandbox file at the moment. Do you need anything else to be able to help with this?
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