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Everything posted by cwiens

  1. OMGOSH. thanks. I have been off for a couple weeks and I guess I stopped looking at details, lol. THANKS!
  2. I searched the forums and could not find a specific answer to this. I have a main timeline and nested timelines. I want to repeat the main timeline 3 times. Whenever I pass in the repeat parameters into the main timeline the whole thing breaks var mainTimeline = new TimelineMax(repeat:2, repeatDelay:20); I am about to put everything into one timeline due to time constraints but wondering if anyone has a solve for this? Thanks!
  3. Moat.com use to be a great place to see display in the good old days of Flash. You used be able to hover over ads and see the animation. Looks mostly static now. Here are some Father's Day ads I did recently: http://cwiens.com/curt/shutterfly_fathersday_2016/
  4. Thanks, I did a deeper cache clearing and that did it. Danke!
  5. Downloaded a codepen to learn DrawSVGPlugin and it gives me this error: Wups, you're using a members-only plugin I tried pointing to my local copy of club greensock too. Same error. ?
  6. Anyone tried this? Could be an interesting way to grab attention, not sure if it will work in an ad server environment though.
  7. I met with Monotype before the holidays last year and they are working on a display solution for web-fonts. They are aware of both cost and file size issues with the current web font subscription model and the unique needs of display with millions/billions of impressions. The system will only reference the needed characters and not the entire font family. For instance "Get this widget now" would only weigh the amount of those 16 characters. It supposed to work with both roll-your-own HTML5 and Adobe Animate type authoring environments. We'll see.
  8. Has anyone else tried to do this? We have it nailed now but had to add a lot of vendor specific CSS to get this to work properly on all browsers:http://cwiens.com/curt/shutterfly_holiday_2015/300x600_calendar-assets/2015_Q4_Calendar_Nov-1-to-Dec-25_300x600.html I am happy with the results but it took a lot of work.
  9. In my workflow I use PhotoShop CC layers to export everything using Generate > Image Assets. I set all my text layers to .svg, photos to .png or .jpg, Works brilliantly as you can adjust things in photoshop, refresh your browser and the changes are applied with no exporting. Unfortunately with .svg there are no parameters that you can set in PS. For bitmaps you can add .png24 to the end or .jpg70%. I have to outline the text layer too so that the svg is font independent. The weight of the text changes with outlining, more noticeably on smaller size text which was a major pain point. Illustrator gives far better control but it is adding a second app to my work flow which I am not jazzed about.
  10. It is kind of subtle but you can see a stroke is added or the weight of the svg changes when a tween initiates or completes behind it. Not a show stopper and only happens in Safari. Thought I would point it out. http://cwiens.com/curt/shutterfly_holiday_2015/160x600_background-assets/2015_Q4_Cards_Nov-1-to-Dec-25_160x600.html
  11. Its an awesome resource and I really like the way it functions. I was just surprised that I could not search for Blur for instance and get info. Thanks for the reply!
  12. I am searching for specific things in Docs and finding a lot of 0 results where there should not be. Searching for 3d Transformation or blur for example. I am finding them all by doing a google search but not in searching the docs search field.
  13. This was a really good meeting. Archived here: http://www.iab.net/events_training/webinars/archive
  14. Celli, you can right click a layer to get the CSS positions and then export those assets automatically using Generate /Image assets. I think you need at least CS6 to do the later.
  15. I was using Photoshop to copy the CSS position of assets which worked great. This might be a little better provided there is no file size hit, performance issues and the calls are kept to a minimum. I have really only been using Flash for positioning its all greensock for a long time now.
  16. This is great. My only concern is the additional createJS calls this is making.
  17. Thanks, yes this is all helpful. The amazing thing is how hard it is to get the necessary information
  18. Has anyone seen anything about how dynamic content? We were using secure XML flies to dynamically change offers in our swf's. I know there are lots of ways of doing this now with "HTML5" but what is secure and will be allowed is not clear.
  19. I feel like sprite sheets add this additional layer of work to sort through. Its great for making one server call compared to 8 if that is an issue but its an awkward way to design for me. I am so use to coding my animations with GSAP in Flash that is not the problem. Using the Copy CSS functionality is a great way to get those top, left coordinates quickly while being able to visually design in PS.
  20. You can generate sprite sheets from Flash too it actually has some good controls. I like being able to compress assets individually so its not my preference.
  21. get CSS positioning in Photoshop really easily. Just right click on the layer (has to be rasterized for bitmaps) and copy CSS. That way you can continue to visually layout ads in PS. Also you can use PS generate image assets in the same psd to auto export in png or jpg and the compression you need. This all came together for me this week. I created this simple ad quickly using the above. I had the HTML,CSS and JS shell already built. cwiens.com/curt/html5728x90/728x90.html
  22. Super stoked they got this out so quickly and that it has reasonable file sizes etc...
  23. If there are any developers in the SF area that would like to get some contract work related to this. Please contact me cwiens@shuttterflly. com
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