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Everything posted by jlin

  1. Apologies @akapowlI didn't noticed you responded to my question -- (need to turn on my email which I just did now). Yes, this is more of a CSS issue. I'll check in those channels, and 😆 at the GIF and analogy.
  2. Sorry to add to this solved thread @akapowl, but I ran into some odd behavior trying this pen with buttons. https://codepen.io/jade_lin/pen/GRLZOpo This is more of a CSS question than GSAP, but if you delete some of the!important attributes from the button CSS, somehow showing the button from a "hidden" visibility state causes many button values to be lost. Is normal or expected behavior? When I don't apply the visibility: hiddenattribute, the button shows as normal...
  3. Thank you so much for the codepen sample and conceptual explanation, @Cassie! This helps a lot -- you answered exactly what I was trying to figure out in point 2) -- if the order of table rows could be changed in JS vs if it could be changed using GSAP. It's good to know this is better handled in JS first. I appreciate your clear understanding on what people are trying to actually ask. ✨
  4. Hello, I'm new to GSAP, so this may be a newbie question... but I was wondering if the GSAP Flip plugin can "flip" rows in a HTML table easily. I know how to use the basic functionality of flip from the YouTube table. I don't have a codepen yet, as I am still trying to figure out how to flip the rows in a table...
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