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Everything posted by Newbie_Jim

  1. Thank you very much. This is exactly what I needed. Your help has solved my long-standing problem. Now I can achieve the effect I need. Now I just need to integrate it into the Vue framework. Thanks again. https://codepen.io/sw355498/pen/ExJGpQe
  2. The menu seems to be functioning properly now, but how do I fix the ScrollTrigger for ctx? Using ctx.revert feels like removing ctx rather than pausing it, and I've tried using ctx.pause and ctx.play, but neither seems to be correct. Here is the minimal demo I've currently created on Codepen. https://codepen.io/sw355498/pen/qBwJXBN
  3. I'm trying to use " ScrollTrigger.create ", but it seems to still interfere with other ScrollTrigger's. https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-cxx5or?file=components%2FmenuModal.vue
  4. When the screen width is smaller than a certain width, the content of the menu cannot be scrolled to see all the content. When the markers are deleted, the scrollbar will disappear and not work. When I add content and use ScrollTrigger, it will conflict with the ScrollTrigger used by the menu. How can I separate the ScrollTrigger of the menu and the page content so that they can work separately? This is a minimal demo URL: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-gnsxip?file=app.vue,components%2FmenuModal.vue,.gitignore This demo uses Nuxt 3.
  5. I want to achieve this effect. https://45r.jp/ja/indigo-hakusho/#04-kageironando 螢幕錄影 2024-02-16 下午2.42.34 - Compressed with FlexClip.mp4
  6. I am currently having some problems with my first time using GSAP. This is my current code. https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-bjtpnn?file=app.vue,package.json How can I make the box area have the effect of the program in the CodePen?
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