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Cristian Coppari

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Everything posted by Cristian Coppari

  1. Hello everyone, I have a component like this: "use client"; import gsap from "gsap"; import { useGSAP } from "@gsap/react"; import { useEffect, useState, useRef } from "react"; import Hamburger from "hamburger-react"; import * as NavigationMenu from "@radix-ui/react-navigation-menu"; import LangSelector from "@/ui/molecules/lang-selector"; import { Link } from "@/lang/navigation"; import { LinkItem } from "@/types/nav"; gsap.registerPlugin(useGSAP); function Header({ navItems }: { navItems: LinkItem[] }) { const [isOpen, setOpen] = useState(false); const [isMounted, setIsMounted] = useState(false); const containerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); const mmRef = useRef<gsap.MatchMedia>(gsap.matchMedia()); const tlRef = useRef<gsap.core.Timeline | null>(null); useGSAP( () => { mmRef.current.add("(width < 768px)", () => { tlRef.current = gsap.timeline({ paused: true, defaults: { ease: "power1.inOut", duration: 0.3 }, }); tlRef.current .to(".nav", { autoAlpha: 1, }) .from( "li", { x: -20, autoAlpha: 0, stagger: 0.1, }, "<", ); }); }, { scope: containerRef, }, ); useGSAP( () => { if (!tlRef.current) return; isOpen ? tlRef.current.play() : tlRef.current.reverse(); }, { dependencies: [isOpen], }, ); // this is because rehydratation errors in the component useEffect(() => { setIsMounted(true); }, []); return ( <header className="header" ref={containerRef}> <div className="wrapper"> <Link href="/" className="logo-wrapper"> <img className="logo" src="/images/logo-gray.webp" alt="Estudio Leda" /> </Link> <div className="controls-wrapper"> <LangSelector /> <div className={`burger ${isOpen ? "--open" : ""}`}> <Hamburger toggled={isOpen} toggle={setOpen} label={"open menu button"} /> </div> </div> <NavigationMenu.Root asChild> <nav className="nav"> <NavigationMenu.List className="nav__list"> {navItems.map((item) => ( <NavigationMenu.Item key={item.label}> <NavigationMenu.Link asChild> <Link className="nav__link" href={item.href}> {item.label} </Link> </NavigationMenu.Link> </NavigationMenu.Item> ))} </NavigationMenu.List> <LangSelector /> </nav> </NavigationMenu.Root> </div> </header> ); } export default Header; The component works just fine. When I click the button and the isOpen state, it fires the useGSAP hook, and it plays or reverses the timeline according to the state. Is there a better/clean way to do this? I don't like the idea of having 2 useGSAP calls, the first to define the animations, and the 2nd to play or reverse the timeline according to the state. I could use useEffect, but since useGSAP is a drop in replacement for useEffect I chose to go that way. Its a good practice to store the Match Media and Time Line obejcts in refs? Thanks!
  2. I haven't a .npmrc file in the root project. I have a GSAP Club license with the agency account, but there are in differents folders. EDIT: Had a .npmrc in the root of the user config folder. Thank you so much!
  3. I got this error when trying to deploy on Vercel. Im using the last version of GSAP and @gsap/react: npm ERR! code E403 22:17:59.965 npm ERR! 403 403 Forbidden - GET https://npm.greensock.com/@gsap%2freact/-/react-2.1.0.tgz - You must be logged in to install/publish packages. 22:17:59.965 npm ERR! 403 In most cases, you or one of your dependencies are requesting 22:17:59.965 npm ERR! 403 a package version that is forbidden by your security policy, or 22:17:59.966 npm ERR! 403 on a server you do not have access to. 22:17:59.967 22:17:59.967 npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /vercel/.npm/_logs/2024-02-13T01_17_48_879Z-debug-0.log 22:17:59.990 Error: Command "npm install" exited with 1 How can I fix it?
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