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Everything posted by MichelC

  1. The bootstrap tip did not help unfortunatly.. I created a codepen with the code, and that works fine.. so its probably a conflict of theme, elementor plugin's, etc. Thanks!
  2. You are absolutely right.. I will look at your tip and try to create a codepen.. Thanks for effort so-far. M.
  3. You are absolutely right.. I will look at your tip and try to create a codepen.. Thanks for effort so-far. M.
  4. Will try to create a CodePen tomorrow to see if I can reproduce the problem..
  5. Hi there... pretty new to GSAP Scroll Trigger (what an awesome software btw 😄).. Combined it with Elementor (so, hard to add CodePen). I use a full screen container as trigger element. In this container I animated some colums based on a scrolltrigger. Columns are being showed using scale and autoAlpha. Scroll trigger and animation are working fine but at the end of the ScrollTrigger the whole container is being re-painted on the screen, which gives an annoying flash of the full screen container. JS. gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); var tl_story = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".content-scroll", start: "-60px top", end: "+=80%", scrub: true, pin: ".content-scroll", /*markers: true,*/ pinSpacing: true } }); tl_story.from(".about", {scale: 0.3, autoAlpha: 0, ease: "power4"}) .from(".piet", {scale: 0.3, autoAlpha: 0, ease: "power4"},1) .from(".vision", {scale: 0.3, autoAlpha: 0, ease: "power4"},2); Markup of the element are all being done by Elementor. I have another full page container with a ScrollTrigger to animate some element and this one is working as expected.. If you want to see what I mean: https://www.mdcs.nl/home-gekloond-1397... It is the Story section that's doing weird.. Who puts me on the right track? Cheers, Michel.
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