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Everything posted by teknolyfe

  1. I got it figured out, was just over complicating it in my head at first. It's actually pretty simple, just all timing. https://codepen.io/teknolyfe/pen/XWGxzJM
  2. Thanks mvaneijgen, But not sure how that's similar to what I'm looking for. Did you watch the MP4 vid I attached soon after? Even from an example of a straight line, it would be like drawing 50% of it, and then somehow moving that drawn portion to the right along the same path essentially.
  3. Hi all- Hoping everyone can help me out. I'm trying to mimic the same animation concept of trim path/offset in After Effects using DrawSVG. The basic "chase" concept seems to be fine in the Codepen example, but I need to get the offset working where the path continues to flow as if the line was continuing. Any ideas? Attached MP4 from After Effects of the idea. TEST 2_1.mp4
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