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Flying Fish

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Everything posted by Flying Fish

  1. @mvaneijgen thanks! In this simple scenario it works well. If this was more complex do you foresee any issues? For example: Could a user start scrolling before the ScrollTrigger gets initialized? If there are other ScrollTriggers on the page could this impact the timing and order in which they are created? (I know there are solutions for that, but order is mentioned as a common mistake). https://gsap.com/resources/st-mistakes/#creating-scrolltriggers-out-of-order I wasn't sure if there was any way to include the original fade in the ScrollTrigger timeline itself unless the user actually starts scrolling first.
  2. I have a hero banner at the top of a page, and I would like to do the following: Fade the text in when the page loads Animate it with a ScrollTrigger To achieve this, I'm using a timeline to do the initial fade in, and then setting up a ScrollTrigger when the first timeline is complete. It works, but since I'm new to GSAP I wonder if there is a better pattern I should be following to achieve this. If you all have a more optimal way, I'd be eager to here your input. Thanks! https://codepen.io/mikemoreau/pen/BabOwKq
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