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Martin Vanegue

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Everything posted by Martin Vanegue

  1. whaoo exactly what I was hoping for. Thank you so much
  2. Hi all, Good morning I have a logo composed of an ellipse and 44 vertical lines and I'm trying to create kind a wave effect when hovering these lines. As you can see some get stuck on the way and the effect is not as smooth as I'd like it to be. Any idea how I could improve this? Thank you all, Have a nice Sunday
  3. Hi; I'm still a beginner in this gap world, First issue: I can't manage to make my animations smooth. I mean sometimes I do, but I don't how I do it and then when it's not smooth, I don't know how to fix it. Second issue: I'd like my text to follow an arc, like around a circle where the rotation point would be a fixed outside point, like I'd like it to rotate around the center of the page for instance. Thank you all, Have a good day https://codepen.io/Martin-Vanegue/pen/RwdqwKq
  4. Hey!!! thank you so much @mvaneijgen! I'm just starting using GSAP, I know I'm doing everything wrong... About the css/js pointing on the same elements, this was not my original idea at the beginning, I used to have some addEventListener for "mouseenter", "mouseleave" and "click". But then once clicked, the mouseleave event would still try to do the same as if I hadn't clicked... it was a bit messy. Thanks for the idea of bringing another boxcontainer. Now I just adjust the parameters based on where the click comes from. It's much better. Thanks a lot for your time and help. Have a nice Sunday night. Thanks again
  5. Hi, I'm martin Thanks in advance for your help, What I do is I have 3 divs, I want to animate them separately on click with GSAP. I do some stuff like going from display none to display block with some of the child elements of my div, resize it... It works once, But then after the first open and close from one div, it doesn't not work. I figured it was because I wasn't restarting my tweens, And now that I'm trying, it doesn't work neither. Please help ahah Thanks a lot. https://codepen.io/Martin-Vanegue/pen/NWJMVYR
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