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Everything posted by mitchsito

  1. Hey, i solved my problem and It was just an error with the 'scroller' property, i used the incorrect div; now it works fine. Thanks for your time
  2. I want to execute an animation with scrollTrigger, but my trigger is inside a div with 'overflow-y' so i used 'scroller: #mydiv' to change the scroller but now the markers are fixed to that div and i want to trigger the animation with the viewport ; so, there's a way to use the 'start' property with two different triggers? i mean something like: 'start: #positionInObject #positionInViewport' gsap.to('.nos_timeline',{ scrollTrigger:{ scroller: '.nos_present', //my div trigger: '.nos_present', //trigger inside the div start: 'bottom 80% ', //the problem markers: true, }, duration: 1, opacity: 1, x: '0%' });
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