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Everything posted by CumSockGreen

  1. So my issue is when screen size is changing the pin-spacer div that GSAP puts on pinned divs is not updating creating major issues. I am new to GSAP and I don't understand it enough to trouble shoot it yet. Any suggestions? useEffect(() => { let SJP3START = "top 50%"; let SJP3END = "+=1000"; if(screenSize <1920 && screenSize >= 1400){ SJP3END = "+=730" SJP2START = "top 45%" } if(screenSize < 1400 && screenSize >= 1024){ SJP3START = "top 45%"; SJP3END = "+=532" } let SJ2P3 = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".trigger-p-3", start: SJP3START, end: SJP3END, scrub: true, pin: ".trigger-p-3 ", pinSpacing: false, onEnter: ()=>{ resetYTranslation(".trigger-p-3") } , onEnterBack: () => { resetYTranslation(".trigger-p-3") }, onLeave: () => { BucketHover?.classList.add("bg-white"); BucketHover?.classList.remove("bg-[#F4B97B]"); TeamHover?.classList.remove("bg-white"); TeamHover?.classList.add("bg-[#398090]"); setIsHoveredConsultancy(false); setConsultancyCondition(true); setIsHoveredDedicated(true); setDedicatedCondition(false); }, }, }); SJ2P3.set(".trigger-p-3", { x:-2000, ease: Linear.easeNone }); SJ2P3.to(".trigger-p-3", { x: 0, ease: Linear.easeNone } ); SJ2P3.to(".trigger-p-3", { x: 2000, ease: Linear.easeNone },"+=1"); return () => { SJ2P3.kill() }; }, []); /// HTML <div className="w-full relative trigger-p-3 mt-[213px] xl:mt-[292px] 2xl:mt-[400px] mb-[130px] xl:mb-[177px] 2xl:mb-[242px]" id="section-3"> <div className="fade-left-p-3"> <h1 className="text-[22px] xl:text-[28px] 2xl:text-[42px] 2xl:leading-[55px] font-bold w-[360px] xl:w-[500px] 2xl:w-[684px] "> {" "} Get specialist advice or a helping hand in high intensity times </h1> <p className="text-xs xl:text-[16px] leading-normal 2xl:text-[22px] font-thin w-[360px] mt-[28px] xl:w-[500px] 2xl:w-[675px] "> Whether you're navigating complex cloud environments or streamlining your development operations, our consultants are here to offer the expertise and helping hand needed to propel your startup towards success. Our consultancy service offers a unique suite of solutions specifically designed to complement tech teams in startups. Recognizing the dynamic and often high-intensity nature of the startup environment, we provide targeted support through our specialized consultancy buckets. </p> </div> <div className="w-1/2 absolute right-0 top-0"> <div className="relative w-full "> <img src={handshake} alt="Computer" className="absolute top-0 left-0 fade-right-p-3 w-[137px] h-[80px] xl:w-[187.61px] 2xl:w-[257px] xl:h-[108.04px] 2xl:h-[148px]" ></img> <img src={piechart} alt="Phone" className="absolute top-[83px] xl:top-[113.15px] 2xl:top-[155px] left-0 fade-right-1-p-3 w-[137px] h-[137px] xl:w-[187.61px] 2xl:w-[257px] xl:h-[187.61px] 2xl:h-[257px]" ></img> <img src={meeting} alt="Phone" className="absolute top-0 left-[141px] xl:left-[192.72px] 2xl:left-[264px] fade-right-2-p-3 w-[220px] h-[220px] xl:w-[300.76px] 2xl:w-[412px] xl:h-[300.76px] 2xl:h-[412px]" ></img> </div> </div>
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