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  1. @GreenSock Thank you so much!! I couldn't get add() to fire in the right place even when I specify the position param (it kept on firing on window load, even when I'm not on the ScrollTrigger yet?). I must be placing it in the wrong place - but I was able to on use onUpdate() to 'watch' the animation and fire off what I need. Thanks again!
  2. Hi there, I am a total newbie when it comes to ScrollTrigger. I have several overflow: hidden sections on a page that have a left and right side. My scrolltrigger pins parent container while the right side is animated with gsap.to , and then the whole container gets unpinned once the right side reaches the end. I was able to accomplish that part thanks to this forum. However, I am stuck on what I want to accomplish next. Within the right side, there are several divs with varying lengths. I want to fire off a console.log message onEnter() when each item reaches 100px to the top of the scrollbar and a onLeave() when the bottom of each item reaches the top of the scrollbar. How would I achieve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much
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