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  1. Thanks so much for this again, but just noticed that when I reach the end/re-enter the pinned section, the cards transform resets to 0, and re animates back. You can see what I mean in the code pen if you scroll back and forth between the end-pin marker on card 1 and 2. I've looked up docs on how to reverse an animation to no solution, but I'm not sure if that's what I want here.
  2. Everything works perfectly, until i add in: gsap.to(card, { y: -progress * 25 }); The Y translate gets overwritten when I reach the end-pins trigger. Is there a way to keep the Y translate position after reaching the end-pin or some other way of doing this? I want to keep the cards stacked on top of each other as you scroll past the end-pin. If you comment out the gsap.to(card, { y: -progress * 25 }); that is how I want everything to act, but I want the cards to move upwards slightly as you scroll too.
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