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Pierre space

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About Pierre space

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  1. Thank you for your returns. This is my demo : https://codepen.io/PierreDej/pen/GReyajj I just want my gsap animation to be triggered when I hover over the button. Can you help me ? Thx
  2. Hello ! I'm new here and I have a problem to start animation on hover. I try to make the same animation like this : https://custom-hover-animations.webflow.io/ (Character Tween V1) Can you help me ? pls This is my animation without the hover trigger : <script> gsap.registerPlugin(SplitText) var split = new SplitText("#title-b", {type: "chars"}); var splitb = new SplitText("#title-bb", {type: "chars"}); gsap.fromTo(split.chars, { y: 0, }, { duration: 1, y: -38, stagger: 0.05 } ); gsap.fromTo(splitb.chars, { y: 38, }, { duration: 1, y: -38, stagger: 0.05 } ); </script>
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