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Everything posted by debra.v

  1. rhernando -- I did find that issue with trackTime yesterday while I was playing around in the code on jsfiddle. I hoped I had updated it in time, but you were much faster. Thank you! I would love to see this corrected, but in the meantime your workaround methodology will get us moving forward again. Much appreciated! Debra
  2. Thank you for the speedy response. Here's where I'm at: I did try the preview, but had the same results I created a jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/debrav/txApX/44/ It shows what's happening. If draggable item is involved in an animation and a drag event occurs, it will not resume. Switched to onThrowUpdate, but onUpdate works too. Thanks for the tip! Now referring to this in the Draggable onDragStart
  3. I've been working on an AV timeline scrubber. For the most part, it's working, except after a target element is dragged, then the animation stops and will not resume. It does call the seek appropriately with the correct value in seconds. If I kill the animation and restart it each time after a drag event, the coordinates of the scrubber knob get messed up and I cannot tell where the darn thing is at or where it should be. Plus it seems to make more sense that an animation not have to be recreated every time. What am I missing here? D var knob_offset = 4; Draggable.create("#pb-scrubber-knob", { bounds: $("#pb-scrubber-bounds"), type: "x", edgeResistance: 1, onDragStart: function() { var knob = Draggable.get("#pb-scrubber-knob"); knob.update(); }, onDrag: function() { $("#pb-scrubber-fill").width( $("#pb-scrubber-knob").position().left + knob_offset ); $("#pb-elapsed-time").text( window.odeshell.formatTrackTime( window.odeshell.getTrackPosition())); }, onDragEnd: function() { $("#pb-elapsed-time").text( window.odeshell.formatTrackTime( window.odeshell.getTrackPosition()) ); window.odeshell.seekScrub(); }, onUpdate: function() { $("#pb-scrubber-fill").width( $("#pb-scrubber-knob").position().left + knob_offset ); }, }); window.odeshell.startScrub = function() { var dur = window.odeshell.getScreenDuration(); var animate_to = $("#pb-scrubber-bounds").width()-knob_offset; $("#pb-elapsed-time").text(window.odeshell.formatTrackTime(0)); if ( window.odeshell.tlScrubberKnob !== undefined ) { window.odeshell.restartScrub(); } else { window.odeshell.tlScrubberKnob = new TweenLite( "#pb-scrubber-knob", (dur/1000), { left:animate_to, immediateRender: true, ease:Linear.easeNone, onUpdate: function() { var sndpos = window.odeshell.getTrackPosition(); var dur = window.odeshell.getScreenDuration(); var kpos = $("#pb-scrubber-knob").position().left; var bounds = $('#pb-scrubber-bounds').width()- ($("#pb-scrubber-knob").width() + 8); $("#pb-elapsed-time").text( window.odeshell.formatTrackTime(sndpos)); $("#pb-scrubber-fill").width(kpos); if ( window.odeshell.playComplete() && (kpos >= bounds) ) { window.odeshell.stopScrub(); } } }); } }; window.odeshell.restartScrub = function() { if ( window.odeshell.tlScrubberKnob !== undefined ) { window.odeshell.tlScrubberKnob.restart(false, false); } }; window.odeshell.seekScrub = function() { if ( window.odeshell.tlScrubberKnob === undefined ) { return; } var kpos = $('#pb-scrubber-knob').position().left; var dur = window.odeshell.getScreenDuration(); var animate_to = $("#pb-scrubber-bounds").width()-knob_offset; var prct = kpos/animate_to; var sndpos = dur * prct; if ( sndpos < 0) { sndpos = 0; } if ( sndpos >= dur) { sndpos = dur; } var seekpos = Math.round(sndpos/1000); $("#pb-elapsed-time").text(window.odeshell.formatTrackTime(sndpos)); window.odeshell.setTrackPosition(sndpos); window.odeshell.tlScrubberKnob.seek(seekpos); if ( !window.odeshell.tlScrubberKnob.paused() ) { window.odeshell.tlScrubberKnob.play(seekpos); } }; window.odeshell.resumeScrub = function() { if ( window.odeshell.tlScrubberKnob !== undefined ) { window.odeshell.tlScrubberKnob.resume(); } }; window.odeshell.pauseScrub = function() { if ( window.odeshell.tlScrubberKnob !== undefined ) { window.odeshell.tlScrubberKnob.pause(); } }; window.odeshell.stopScrub = function() { if ( window.odeshell.tlScrubberKnob !== undefined ) { window.odeshell.tlScrubberKnob.pause(); } };
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