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Ivan last won the day on October 16 2013

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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Ivan

    Function in function

    The problem was in Label (in my case "together") For each timeline i update it and its work! tl.to(sideB, fadeTime*0.5, { autoAlpha: 1, delay: needDelay, rotationY: '+=180deg', transformOrigin: '50% 50% 50px' }, 'together')
  2. Ivan

    Function in function

    done: http://jsfiddle.net/JUCgU/1/
  3. Ivan

    Function in function

    For example i want to do something like this: http://htmlfabric.ru/test/club_work/ But i cant code each image collection separately. Thats why i need function, wheech will auto increment my collections.
  4. Ivan

    Function in function

    Sorry, if so: http://htmlfabric.ru/test/club.2/
  5. Ivan

    Function in function

    Hello everybody! Can't understand why GSAP animate only first transition (rotate). Second transition it's made, but witout animation, as if duration changes to 0. Thanks for any help! link for project: http://htmlfabric.ru/test/club.2/ UPD: js code: var tl = new TimelineMax({ onComplete: changePhotos }), photoContainer = $('#container'), footContainer = $('#foot__container'), needDelay = 1, fadeTime = 1.5, piBlock = $('.pi__block'), allItems = $('.pi__img'), logoItems = $('.pii--logo'); //fade in & out function logo() { tl//.staggerTo(logoItems, fadeTime, { autoAlpha: 1, delay: needDelay }, 0.2) //.to(allItems, fadeTime*1.5, { autoAlpha: 1, delay: needDelay }) //.staggerTo(logoItems, fadeTime, { autoAlpha: .35, delay: needDelay }, 0.2) //.to(allItems, fadeTime*1.5, { autoAlpha: .35, delay: needDelay }); .to(allItems, 1, { delay: needDelay }) } logo(); //change photos var sideA, sideB, sideAnumber = 0, sideBnumber = 1; function changePhotos() { sideAnumber += 1; sideBnumber += 1; sideA = $('.side'+sideAnumber); sideB = $('.side'+sideBnumber); tl.to(sideB, fadeTime*0.5, { autoAlpha: 1, delay: needDelay, rotationY: '+=180deg', transformOrigin: '50% 50% 50px' }, 'together') .to(sideA, fadeTime*0.5, { autoAlpha: 0, delay: needDelay, rotationY: '-=180deg', transformOrigin: '50% 50% 50px' }, 'together'); logo(); }
  6. Great! Thanks! And one more thing: GSAP amamizing platform!
  7. Hello! Tell me, please, can i repeat only one animation in a timeline? If I do this - its working only one time: var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.to('#photo', 1.5, { left: '0' }) .to('.text_top_item', 1.5, { autoAlpha: 1 }) .to('.text_top_item2', 0.5, { scale: 1.08, repeat: 3, yoyo: true });
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