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Everything posted by nanako

  1. Hello,@Rodrigo Thank you for the help and suggestions. Yea, it was indeed a really weird behavior to see, luckily. I think I may have just found the reason behind my codes, and now it’s fixed and up and running. I really appreciate your assistance.
  2. Thank you a lot for @GreenSock and @Rodrigo , appreciate! I set up the GSAP Context but the page1 screen will still remain in index and page2. I think GSAP Context is actually working but the page1 screen is still there......😥 export default { setup() { let ctx; let area = ref(); onMounted(() => { ctx = gsap.context(() => { const section3 = document.querySelector('.section3'); const srollTL = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: section3, pin: true, markers: true, scrub: true, }, }); srollTL.to('.gate-left-1', { yPercent: '-100' }); srollTL.to('.gate-right-1', { yPercent: '100' }, '<'); srollTL.to('.gate-left-2', { yPercent: '-100' }); srollTL.to('.gate-right-2', { yPercent: '100' }, '<'); }, area.value); }); onUnmounted(() => { ctx.revert(); ScrollTrigger.killAll(); }); }, };
  3. I'm very sorry and I repair it. Please try this stackblitz link again. https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-7b2tf6?file=src%2Fviews%2FIndexView.vue I hope it works.
  4. I am sorry for causing you trouble. Here is my stackblitz link (Please use the "open in New tab" button) GSAP Page Transitions in Vue3 (forked) - StackBlitz Thank you very much for your help!
  5. I am sorry for causing you trouble. Here is my stackblitz link GSAP Page Transitions in Vue3 (forked) - StackBlitz Thank you very much for your help!
  6. Hello everyone, I'm new to GSAP and I encountered some problems. problem1: When I enter page1 and jump to another page, the data of page1 will remain on the screen. Problem2: When I opened the picture button in page2 again, the details and the Lorem ipsum appeared on the screen already. How to run GSAP animation again? Here is my stackblitz link GSAP Page Transitions in Vue3 (forked) - StackBlitz My English is not good because I am not a native English speaker and I use translation software I hope you can understand what I mean and help me please Thank you so much
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