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  1. https://codepen.io/popjrluq-the-selector/pen/VwNvVWP Hi, As per the gsap community forum given answer, i have done the change in my project, but still i am not able to fix some issues. At the first scroll I want the image should but the container should remain constant. And at the second scroll I want the container to start expanding till fourth scroll and fix the header to top position. During the second scroll to fourth scroll the edge of the curve should be straightened. As I'm unable to be and tried my best, I request you to suggest your thoughts on this.
  2. Hi, As per the gsap community forum given answer, i have done the change in my project, but still i am not able to fix some issues issue is: when i scroll at second point the container has to be scale should start and fort scroll it scale to 1.1 to fill the screen , below i have shared codepen please take a look into that and let me know what i am missing there https://codepen.io/popjrluq-the-selector/pen/VwNvVWP .
  3. Hi As mentioned pin topic i have used it but not working i am not able to pin the container to the top on first scroll,
  4. How to pin and fix the two elements on scroll, using scroll trigger https://codepen.io/popjrluq-the-selector/pen/GReVmMY?editors=0010
  5. This Is the First SECTION https://codepen.io/popjrluq-the-selector/pen/poYqegR This is the second section https://codepen.io/popjrluq-the-selector/pen/gOEZgVN
  6. Hi, How can i inject scroll trigger to the page whenever i need it, in the below pen its is working fine but can it be possible without using delay? what iam looking is the header needs to be expand only on second scroll i have been modified the code slightly please look into it and do need full https://codepen.io/mvaneijgen/pen/MWxPNdZ
  7. Thankyou somuch for the help!! But Still i did not get as i am expected , what i need is on the first scroll the header should be fixed at the top 0, and second scroll it should be scaled to fill i have modified the absolute position to fixed but it wont working https://codepen.io/ahmed-attia/pen/OJqBKRX
  8. Hi, i am expecting as per the below image using scroll trigger also i have given my code pen .. any advise would be great https://codepen.io/popjrluq-the-selector/pen/GReYbNz
  9. Hi, I am attaching the code pen , i want to add scale to widen the image on scroll https://codepen.io/popjrluq-the-selector/pen/jOJeVwo
  10. How to add scale for this scroll trigger code, this is working fine but how can i add scale to cover page gsap.registerPlugin (ScrollTrigger); // --- OWL --- gsap.to(".imgOwl", {scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".imgOwl", toggleActions: "restart pause reverse pause", // pin: true, // pinSpacing:false, scrub:1, start: "top center", end: "center top" }, backgroundPosition: "0px -250px", ease: "power1.inOut"});
  11. <iframe height="300" style="width: 100%;" scrolling="no" title="Untitled" src="https://codepen.io/popjrluq-the-selector/embed/dyrgXea?default-tab=html%2Cresult" frameborder="no" loading="lazy" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true"> See the Pen <a href="https://codepen.io/popjrluq-the-selector/pen/dyrgXea"> Untitled</a> by vinay kumar (<a href="https://codepen.io/popjrluq-the-selector">@popjrluq-the-selector</a>) on <a href="https://codepen.io">CodePen</a>. </iframe> Hi, above is my code i am not able to find any resources on this topic, any help would be really appreciated..
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