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Fusion Journey

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Everything posted by Fusion Journey

  1. Thanks for your feedback. I have tried to use the useGSAP function for animation refresh. But issue is still there. https://stackblitz.com/~/github.com/kartarsinghdebugged/stackblitz-starters-backanimations Can you please help me to fix this.
  2. We're using GSAP for animations, including Smoothscroll, ScrollTrigger, and TextSplit.The animations are based on image sequences displayed on a canvas using GSAP. However, when navigating from Page A to B and then back to A, the animation ceases to function. All the code is set up on the staging server. If you have expertise in Next.js with GSAP, I'd appreciate your help in resolving this issue. https://stackblitz.com/~/github.com/kartarsinghdebugged/stackblitz-starters-backanimations
  3. It's working on my local. My be the issue with the Stackbliz
  4. Here is the public link https://stackblitz.com/~/github.com/sheshankdebugged/gsap-example The main issue comes when I navigate from one page to other.
  5. It gives me an error const marqueeTimeline = gsap.timeline(); useGSAP(() => { // Animation for initial state marqueeTimeline.from('.journey-section .marquee-gsap', { xPercent: 12, duration: 2, }); // Animation with ScrollTrigger marqueeTimeline.to('.journey-section .marquee-gsap', { xPercent: -55, scrollTrigger: { trigger: '.journey-section .marquee-container', start: 'top 80%', end: 'top 1%', scrub: 6, duration: 2, // markers: true }, }); }, {scope: marqueeTimeline });
  6. I have utilized the premium version and incorporated a frame-by-frame PNG animation in the next js project. However, I consistently encounter issues; the page functions correctly only after refreshing it. I have added my code below. 'use client'; import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react"; import gsap from "gsap"; import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger"; gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); const LineAnimation1 = () => { const canvasRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { const initCanvas = () => { const canvas = canvasRef.current; const context = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.width = window.innerHeight * 0.1; canvas.height = window.innerHeight * 0.2; window.addEventListener("resize", function () { canvas.width = window.innerHeight * 0.1; canvas.height = window.innerHeight * 0.2; render(); }); const frameCount = 14; const currentFrame = (index) => { const imagePath = `https://candokidsbastg.wpengine.com/test/lineanimation/1/Line_${(index + 1) .toString() .padStart(2, "0")}.png`; console.log(imagePath); return imagePath; }; const images = []; const sequence = { frame: 0, }; let loadedImages = 0; for (let i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { const img = new Image(); img.src = currentFrame(i); img.onload = () => { loadedImages++; if (loadedImages === frameCount) { // All images have loaded, trigger render render(); } }; images.push(img); } gsap.to(sequence, { frame: frameCount + 1, snap: "frame", ease: "power1.inOut", duration: 4, scrollTrigger: { scrub: 3, start: "top 60%", end: "top 100%", trigger: ".case-banner", markers: true }, onUpdate: render, }); function render() { if (loadedImages === frameCount) { const frameIndex = Math.max(0, Math.min(sequence.frame, frameCount - 1)); scaleImage(images[frameIndex], context); } } function scaleImage(img, ctx) { var canvas = ctx.canvas; var hRatio = canvas.width / img.width; var vRatio = canvas.height / img.height; var ratio = Math.max(hRatio, vRatio); var centerShift_x = (canvas.width - img.width * ratio) / 2; var centerShift_y = (canvas.height - img.height * ratio) / 2; context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); context.drawImage( img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height, centerShift_x, centerShift_y, img.width * ratio, img.height * ratio ); } }; initCanvas(); }, []); return <canvas id="page01" className="" ref={canvasRef}></canvas>; }; export default LineAnimation1;
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