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Daniela Vornic

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Everything posted by Daniela Vornic

  1. I was wondering how GSAP could be used to create the animations of the records displayed in the first section of this website (without them rotating or scaling): https://www.atlanticrecords.com/ Thank you.
  2. Thank you for your answer. However, I believe using matchMedia would be extremely tedious since I'd have to include so many screen sizes... I was thinking to use some coefficients for the y and x values in GSAP, but I am lost at the moment on how to arrive at that. Here is a demo: https://elv.ixobit.md/verdelore/ It works as intended only for 1920x919 browser screens.
  3. Hi. I'm wondering, what are the best practices for making the page below responsive, even only for desktop screens (width > 1024px)? Currently, it works perfectly for 1920x919 browser screens. It uses Scroll Trigger for parallax scrolling with various images as layers. Any deviance of screen width and height has a huge impact on how the page looks. I realize that having different images of different sizes is one way to improve this perhaps, but what about vertical scrolling? Thank you. /* eslint-disable @next/next/no-img-element */ import { useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import Head from "next/head"; import { gsap } from "gsap"; import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/dist/ScrollTrigger"; import { useShopifyData } from "@/hooks"; import { FloatingMenu, FooterProduct } from "@/components"; export default function Verdelore() { const { shopifyPages } = useShopifyData(); const [isMenuOpen, setIsMenuOpen] = useState(false); const [windowHeight, setWindowHeight] = useState(0); const fullBgRef = useRef(null); const scrollerRef = useRef(null); const firstSectionRef = useRef(null); const secondSectionRef = useRef(null); const thirdSectionRef = useRef(null); const ffithSectionRef = useRef(null); const footerRef = useRef(null); const bgLeftRef = useRef(null); const bgRightRef = useRef(null); const bgFooterRef = useRef(null); const elfRef = useRef(null); const canRef = useRef(null); const magicPotionTextRef = useRef(null); const elixirTextRef = useRef(null); const speed = windowHeight / 3.08; useLayoutEffect(() => { let ctx = gsap.context(() => { gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); const tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".scrollElement", start: "top top", end: 12000, scrub: 5, invalidateOnRefresh: true, }, }); // Scroll past first title section tl.to(fullBgRef.current, { y: -1.5 * speed, duration: 1.5 }, 0); tl.to(firstSectionRef.current, { y: -2.5 * speed, opacity: 0, duration: 1.5 }, 0); // Scroll to second section tl.fromTo( bgLeftRef.current, { y: 0, opacity: 0.9, x: -5 * speed, ease: "power1.out" }, { y: -3.1 * speed, opacity: 1, x: 0, duration: 2 }, 0.08, ); tl.fromTo( bgRightRef.current, { y: 0, opacity: 0.9, x: 5 * speed, ease: "power1.out" }, { y: -3 * speed, opacity: 1, x: 0, duration: 2 }, 0.08, ); tl.to(secondSectionRef.current, { y: -2.7 * speed, duration: 2 }, 0.06); // Move slide 2 up tl.to(secondSectionRef.current, { y: -8 * speed, duration: 1.8 }, "+=0.5"); // Scroll to third section tl.to(fullBgRef.current, { y: -4 * speed, duration: 1.5 }, "<"); tl.to(bgLeftRef.current, { y: -5.8 * speed, duration: 2 }, "<"); tl.to(bgRightRef.current, { y: -8.25 * speed, duration: 2.7 }, "<"); tl.to(thirdSectionRef.current, { y: -5.25 * speed, duration: 1.8, delay: 0.8 }, "<"); // Scroll to fourth section tl.to(bgRightRef.current, { y: -9.8 * speed, duration: 2 }, "+=0.5"); tl.to(bgLeftRef.current, { y: -7 * speed, duration: 2 }, "<"); tl.to(fullBgRef.current, { y: -4.6 * speed, duration: 2 }, "<"); tl.to(thirdSectionRef.current, { y: -8 * speed, duration: 2 }, "<"); tl.to(bgFooterRef.current, { y: -7.3 * speed, duration: 2.5 }, "<"); tl.fromTo( elfRef.current, { y: 0, opacity: 0.3, x: 0, width: 250, duration: 2.5, ease: "power1.out" }, { y: -9.2 * speed, opacity: 1, x: 1.1 * speed, width: "21vw", duration: 3, scale: 1 }, "<", ); tl.to(elfRef.current, { x: 4 * speed, opacity: 0, duration: 2.25 }, "+=0.7"); // Scroll to fifth section tl.fromTo(elixirTextRef.current, { x: 0, opacity: 0 }, { y: -9 * speed, opacity: 0 }, "<"); tl.fromTo( magicPotionTextRef.current, { x: 0, opacity: 0 }, { y: -9 * speed, opacity: 0 }, "<", ); tl.to(canRef.current, { y: -9 * speed, opacity: 0 }, "<"); tl.to(bgFooterRef.current, { y: -10.5 * speed, duration: 2 }, "-=1.3"); tl.to(elixirTextRef.current, { x: 0.7 * speed, opacity: 1, duration: 2.5 }, "-=1.1"); tl.to( magicPotionTextRef.current, { x: 0.7 * speed, opacity: 1, duration: 2.5, delay: 0.2 }, "<", ); tl.fromTo( canRef.current, { x: 1 * speed, opacity: 0, width: "100px" }, { width: "13vw", opacity: 1, duration: 2.5 }, "<", ); // Scroll to footer tl.to(ffithSectionRef.current, { y: -14 * speed, duration: 5 }, "+=0.5"); tl.to(bgFooterRef.current, { y: -14 * speed, duration: 3 }, "<"); tl.to(footerRef.current, { y: -11.5 * speed, duration: 3 }, "-=5.75"); }); return () => { ctx.revert(); }; }, [speed]); useEffect(() => { const handleResize = () => { setWindowHeight(window.innerHeight); }; window.addEventListener("resize", handleResize); return () => window.removeEventListener("resize", handleResize); }, []); return ( <> <Head> <title>Verdelore | Elven Springs</title> <meta name="description" content="Verdelore" /> </Head> <div className="wrapper relative z-40 h-[205vh] overflow-hidden bg-bg"> <main className="content" ref={scrollerRef}> <img src="/assets/images/center.png" alt="bg" className="bg absolute w-full" ref={fullBgRef} /> <section className="relative z-50 flex h-screen flex-col items-center justify-center" ref={firstSectionRef} > <FloatingMenu isMenuOpen={isMenuOpen} setIsMenuOpen={setIsMenuOpen} /> <div> <img src="/assets/images/logo.png" alt="logo" className="h-fit w-[500px]" /> </div> </section> <img src="/assets/images/bg-left.png" alt="bg" className="absolute left-0 w-[25vw]" ref={bgLeftRef} /> <img src="/assets/images/bg-right-full.png" alt="bg" className="absolute right-0 w-[100vw]" ref={bgRightRef} /> <section className="relative z-20 flex h-screen flex-col items-center text-center" ref={secondSectionRef} > <h1 className="mb-6 font-heading text-[3.6vw] text-secondary"> {shopifyPages?.verdelore?.title} </h1> <p className="max-w-lg font-dunbar text-[1.33vw] font-medium leading-[1.33] xl:max-w-xl 2xl:max-w-3xl" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: shopifyPages?.verdelore?.body as TrustedHTML }} /> </section> <section className="relative z-10 flex h-screen flex-col items-center text-center" ref={thirdSectionRef} > <h2 className="mb-6 font-heading text-[3.6vw] text-black"> {shopifyPages?.forasdal?.title} </h2> <p className="max-w-lg font-dunbar text-[1.33vw] font-medium leading-[1.33] xl:max-w-xl 2xl:max-w-3xl" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: shopifyPages?.forasdal?.body as TrustedHTML }} /> </section> <img src="/assets/images/elf.png" alt="bg" className="absolute left-0" ref={elfRef} /> <img src="/assets/images/bg-footer.png" alt="bg" className="absolute left-0 w-full" ref={bgFooterRef} /> <section className="relative z-10 flex h-screen" ref={ffithSectionRef}> <div className="max-w-[40vw] space-y-10 pt-5"> <div className="space-y-4" ref={magicPotionTextRef}> <h2 className="pl-[36px] font-heading text-[2.1vw] uppercase leading-[104px] text-aqua"> {shopifyPages?.["magic-potion"]?.title} </h2> <p className="font-dunbar text-[1.15vw] text-aqua" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: shopifyPages?.["magic-potion"]?.body as TrustedHTML, }} /> </div> <div className="space-y-10" ref={elixirTextRef}> <div className="space-y-4"> <h2 className="pl-[36px] font-heading text-[2.1vw] uppercase leading-[104px] text-aqua"> {shopifyPages?.elexir?.title} </h2> <p className="font-dunbar text-[1.15vw] text-aqua" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: shopifyPages?.elexir?.body as TrustedHTML, }} /> </div> <a href="https://elvensprings.myshopify.com/products/elven-spring-water-19-2-oz-king-size-cans-12-pack" className="ml-[36px] block w-fit rounded-full border-3 border-green bg-white bg-opacity-30 px-7 py-2 font-dunbar text-xs font-bold uppercase text-green transition hover:bg-opacity-0 sm:mt-4 sm:text-sm xl:px-16 xl:py-2 xl:text-lg 2xl:px-20 2xl:py-4 2xl:text-xl" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" > Pre-order </a> </div> </div> <img src="/assets/images/verdelore-can.png" alt="bg" className="h-fit w-full" ref={canRef} /> </section> <section className="absolute w-full" ref={footerRef}> <FooterProduct /> </section> </main> </div> <div className="scrollElement" /> </> ); }
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