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Joel Brewer

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Everything posted by Joel Brewer

  1. Hello, I'm creating a Full Screen Slideshow that needs to include indicators to show which slide is "active". Here I was able to create a "dot" for each ".swipe-section .panel" but I need it to: Scroll to the correct ".panel" when the dot is clicked Set ".is-active" class on the appropriate dot when the panel is in the viewport (By scrolling or by click) https://codepen.io/vyeltman/pen/GRejrrB?editors=0011 Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your help! Updating to include this attempt , which is basically trying to adapt the dot behavior from this pen and utilize it with the pinned .swipe-section.
  2. Hello, I'm trying to reverse the direction of the Endless Loop. I changed the tl.to to tl.fromTo to achieve the Right to left direction. The first part of the animation works properly, but the followup animation timing is not quite right (line 80). Any tips to adjust the math on the timing or is there a better way to reverse this animation? https://codepen.io/vyeltman/pen/NWJNgKQ?editors=1010
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