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  1. Hi, I'm working on a website where a large image scales as you scroll. At page load, I want the image to start at 20% scale and be positioned higher on the y-axis so that it's visible in the viewport. While the setup mostly works, I've encountered an issue: when I apply a negative y-position, the scaling no longer happens from the center. https://codepen.io/remcovb/pen/eYwvGqb However, when I remove the negative y-position, the scaling works correctly from the center, but then the image isn't in the viewport anymore. https://codepen.io/remcovb/pen/bGPqoyo Any advice on how to maintain centered scaling while keeping the image in the viewport? Thanks in advance!
  2. Yes, this works like a charm! Pretty obvious looking at it now ?, but thanks alot!
  3. Hey, Im working on a fullscreen slideshow that goes to the next section when i scroll. I created the slideshow first without the slides being position: sticky and this worked perfectly: https://codepen.io/remcovb/pen/wvbaRJe But when added postion: sticky to the sections, the slideshow only works when going down and breaks when going back up: https://codepen.io/remcovb/pen/KKLpbgQ Anyone with a solution for this?
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