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zozo last won the day on October 14 2018

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Everything posted by zozo

  1. Hi, I have a problem with a stagger on li with .staggerFrom('#list_artists li', .3 ,{opacity:0}, 0.04 ), only on firefox 48.0.2. The list doesn't show all the element, only part of them, then few second later the rest appear. I don't have that version of firefox, but the client showed me a screen capture. I was wondering if there was a known issue with stagger opacity and firefox 48, or if it was just my code. Thanks, Best
  2. What is the best practice, when a timeline or tween is done, and won't be re-used ? should I kill it on Complete event ? or clear it ? both ? Thanks,
  3. zozo

    media query resize

    ahhh yes ! Thanks OSUblake !!! I didn't know we could do that. I repeat my self, but this forum is awesome !!!
  4. zozo

    media query resize

    I have the same question with draggable. Can I do something equivalent ? Thanks !
  5. zozo

    media query resize

    Ahh yes, thank you Shaun, this was really driving me crazy ! And it was so simple Love this forum, always a fast and spot on answer.
  6. zozo

    media query resize

    Hi, I'm having trouble with the kill tween on resize event. My disk should be always in the center, but because of the tween, it break on resize. how should I do this ? Best, Romain
  7. This is great, work like a charm, thanks for the super fast answer !
  8. Hi, I have a logo that is revealed with a Timeline. When a video start, I want to wait 4 sec, and call the reverse on the timeline. To complicate things I want to pause the reverse in case you pause the video (or when it buffer), in order to have my reverse called only when the video has played 4 sec. for now I'm using this on video play : TweenMax.delayedCall(4, function() { drawLogoWhite.reverse() }); But of course, if the video is paused, the delayedCall isn't paused. how can I do ? Thanks, Best.
  9. Thanks a million Craig ! That's awesome ! I add no idea we could do something like that. Best !
  10. Damned, that's what I feared. Yes they are all circular, I updated the pen with the real image so you can have an idea. What do you mean by make a loop for the mask ? Could you show me an exemple ? Best, Romain
  11. Hi, Is it possible to animate ( make grow ) a path with variable width Profile ? I can't find the solution. Hope I don't have to use mask, my pics has too much path Thank for the help, Best.
  12. Thanks a lot guys ! Carl solution worked for me, I will give Jack solution a try tomorrow !
  13. Wha, this is great ! I guess I could just change the line element to a path and it would work, but it's great to see every one so reactive and passionate to make tweenmax perfect ! You guys are awesome !
  14. Hi every one, I have an issue with draw svg on Firefox. It's pretty weird, on my website, the animation work, but not until the end, and then I have an error : TypeError: e is undefined and it loop with that error. On the code pen, it doesn't work at all. But it work fine chrome and safari. Thanks for the help. Best
  15. zozo

    Rotation draggable knob

    thanks ! it's seem very similar yes. I finish something and I read more in depth. Always happy to tween
  16. zozo

    Rotation draggable knob

    Hi Thanks, it seem I didn't explained myself clearly. I corrected the pen to make it more clear, and in plain js. What I want is the knob to rotate continuously, that's easy. Then I want to make the knob draggable, easy too. Finally I want that when we release the knob, it resume the rotation, from where we left the knob. Not easy Thanks !
  17. Hi, I would like to make a knob that rotate and that can be draggable, and when released, start the rotation again from where it was left at the release moment. I tried many thing, but can't seem to find the right way to do it. Thanks for the help !
  18. Ok, I just needed the ThrowPropsPlugin.min.js. Thanks !
  19. Hi, I'm struggling to reproduce the draggable rotation with snap, exactly like the example https://greensock.com/draggable. Like you can see on the codepen, the snap isn't working. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong ? Thanks, Romain
  20. Sorry my bad, I'm stupid. don't bother reading. Thanks for making Tweenmax so awesome.
  21. ok, made it work like that. function test(){ console.log('done'); } var animContPress = TweenMax.to($("#contpress"), 1, {left:'0',ease:Power2.easeInOut,paused:true}); animContPress.eventCallback("onComplete", test); animContPress.play(); Witch i find weird because it doesn't make any difference if suppressEvents is set on false or not.
  22. I'm I doing something wrong here ? If paused is true, the callback fire, but not if I use paused and play. At first I didn't set second play parameter to false, but even with .play(0.5,false) callback doesn't fire. Thanks for help. function test(){ console.log('done'); } var animContPress = TweenMax.to($("#contpress"), 1, {left:'0',ease:Power2.easeInOut,onComplete:test,paused:true, suppressEvents:false}); animContPress.play(0.5,false);
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