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Everything posted by latentia

  1. Thanks, the answer you provided is again similar to the one before. I want to apply to the effect again without doing the reverse. How to solve it if the element is already rotated but I still want it to rotate when the mouse enters? https://codepen.io/falmasri/pen/PoVxRQE
  2. Thanks for your answer. I got what you are saying. is it possible to rotate again even though the original position has been changed?
  3. I'm following some of the tutorials and modifying them my way. I found that the registered effect only works once and not every time the mouse enters. here is my code gsap.registerEffect({ name: "fade", defaults: {duration: 2}, effect: (targets, config) => { return gsap.to(targets, {duration: config.duration, opacity: 0}); } }); gsap.registerEffect({ name: "rot", defaults: {duration: 2}, effect: (targets, config) => { return gsap.to(targets, {duration: config.duration, x: config.x, rotate: 180}); } }); var node; function WinLoad() { node = document.getElementById('t1'); node.innerHTML='Found you'; } window.onload = WinLoad; document.querySelectorAll(".box") .forEach(function(x) { x.addEventListener("mouseenter", function() { if (node){ node.innerHTML = x.className; if (x.classList.contains('green')){ gsap.effects.fade(x); } else { gsap.effects.rot(x, { x: 0 }); } } }); });
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