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Zhulinskiy Danil

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Everything posted by Zhulinskiy Danil

  1. I was able to find the problem, I don't know why but after removing the npm package react-gsap the problem went away, to install react-gsap using next.js I had to use npm i legacy-peer-deps (maybe that was the problem) I really hope this article will help someone in the future. Thank you for your message ❤️
  2. The animation plays while I'm on the page for the first time, after I exit and come back - the animation stops playing I tried: timeline put in useRef gsap.context and subsequently revert Manually clear timeline using kill A simple example that also doesn’t work for me: Here is a link to a site where the text with the same problem is https://next-resume-hazel.vercel.app/ Wait for the full animation and intensity approximately, then go back by clicking on the RESUME title and the text will not animate again. (This post was completely translated using google translator, sorry if anything is not clear) import gsap from 'gsap' import { useEffect } from 'react' export function Component() { useEffect(() => { const obj = { n: 0 } // This will only work while I'm on the page for the first time // If I go to /about, or any other page, and go back, // code block below - will stop working and output the object to the console // Although if you look in _gsap the id of the animation is different from the previous one // Also, not only to but also from, timeline and other things stop working // with which you can smoothly change values gsap.to(obj, { n: 1000, duration: 1, onUpdate() { console.log(obj.n) // 0 - 1000 } }) }, []) return <></> }
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