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Everything posted by suppenhuhn

  1. It works ! But only online and not on localhost ? But one question: I load various SWFs into my mainSWF and all are added to the Stage as a Child and also pushed into a array. But there is one special SWF i'd like to handle different: It needs to be added into an existing empty mc on the stage: mySpecialSWFContainer and also not pushed into the array Is it possible / How can i set this SWF in the XML to be handled different?
  2. Hi, it's me again Sorry but i can't find it in the Docs and don't use Chorme -> If i want one specific swf to be not loaded from cache..can i mark this param within the XML like this ( the second Child ): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <data> <SWFLoader name="Name-1" url="myUrlToSWF-1.swf" load="true" autoPlay="false" width="250" height="330" centerRegistration="true" estimatedBytes="232000" x="0" y="0" /> <SWFLoader name="Name-2" url="myNoChacheSWF.swf" noCache="true" load="true" autoPlay="false" width="250" height="330" centerRegistration="true" estimatedBytes="232000" x="0" y="0" /> <SWFLoader name="Name-3" url="myUrlToSWF-3.swf" load="true" autoPlay="false" width="250" height="330" centerRegistration="true" estimatedBytes="232000" x="0" y="0" /> etc ... </data> Or how can i get this done? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi! Now i do have a question on a detail. I'm loading a XML into my movie like this: var LoadRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("myURL"); LoaderMax.activate([SWFLoader]); queue = new XMLLoader(LoadRequest,{ name:"xmlDoc", noCache:true, maxConnections:1, estimatedBytes:5000, onComplete:queueCompleteHandler, onProgress:queueProgressHandler, onChildProgress:swfProgressHandler, onChildComplete:swfCompleteHandler }); queue.load(); My XML looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <data> <SWFLoader name="Name-1" url="myUrlToSWF-1.swf" load="true" autoPlay="false" width="250" height="330" centerRegistration="true" estimatedBytes="232000" x="0" y="0" /> <SWFLoader name="Name-2" url="myUrlToSWF-2.swf" load="true" autoPlay="false" width="250" height="330" centerRegistration="true" estimatedBytes="232000" x="0" y="0" /> <SWFLoader name="Name-3" url="myUrlToSWF-3.swf" load="true" autoPlay="false" width="250" height="330" centerRegistration="true" estimatedBytes="232000" x="0" y="0" /> etc ... </data> When loading with this XML new XMLLoader(..., {noCache:true, ...}) will there be only the XML not been loaded from cache or will the SWFs also not load from cache? I want to load only the XML not from cache - because i want to load different XMLs on/for specific date-periods.
  4. Hi, i load my external swf's via your fantastic!!! XMLLoader object. I'm adding from time to time a new swf to this XML. Now, to load the "new" XML i thought to make it via: <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"> But here it loads always the whole content new ( and that is quit a few ). But the "old" content does not change, i will only add one or two swf's to it. Due to the fact i'm wondering if it's possible to load the xml always from the server and not from the browser-cache?
  5. Thank you very much, with your code It works fine !! I've had tried: loadedSWF.vars.myglasses and got errors. So thanks again.
  6. Hello! I'm using LoaderMax to load multiple SWFs via XML into my main SWF. I have some arrays for different SWF-classes ( A,B,C) The SWFLoader node contains the custom attribute "myclass": .... <SWFLoader name="myName" url="swf/mySWF.swf" myclass="Class-A" load="true" autoPlay="false" centerRegistration="true" estimatedBytes="112000" /> <SWFLoader name="myName2" url="swf/mySWF2.swf" myclass="Class-B" load="true" autoPlay="false" centerRegistration="true" estimatedBytes="122000" /> <SWFLoader name="myName3" url="swf/mySWF3.swf" myclass="Class-A" load="true" autoPlay="false" centerRegistration="true" estimatedBytes="92000" /> .... Now i'd like to read/check this attribute within the swfCompleteHandler function and push the loaded SWF into the according array: private var queue:XMLLoader = new XMLLoader("xml/my_glasses.xml",{name:"xmlDoc", maxConnections:1, estimatedBytes:5000, onComplete:queueCompleteHandler, onProgress:queueProgressHandler, onChildProgress:swfProgressHandler, onChildComplete:swfCompleteHandler }); private function swfCompleteHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { var loadedSWF:ContentDisplay = event.target.content as ContentDisplay; var glass:McGlass = new McGlass(); glasses.push(glass); // HERE I'D LIKE TO CHECK THE CLASS OF THE LOADED SWFs and push it into a array loadedSWF.addChildAt(glass, 0); addChild(loadedSWF); } But i have no idea how to do this - can anybody may give an advice? Greetings Rob
  7. Oh..found the documentation ! This works: trace(queue.getChildren().length);
  8. Hi! I'm pretty new to AS3 and completley new to LoaderMax - so i apologize in advance for stupid questions If i load a XML with some SWFLoader Nodes inside - how to i get the total amount of nodes ? var queue:XMLLoader = new XMLLoader("xml/myXML.xml",{name:"xmlDoc"}); I tried: trace(queue.SWFLoader.length()); trace(queue.children().length()); but got an error..so whats the right code to get the nodes-count?
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