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  1. Hi @GreenSock, thank you for the reply. I see you added the return () => mm.revert(); to clean up. This it works, even when I go from mobile view to desktop view and vice-verse. Thank you! I had a deep looking into the new useGSAP() hook. In my opinion, this will solve quite a lot of problems. I have recreated the matchMedia issue I was having using the new useGSAP() hook, but I see I am probably missing something like the mm.revert(). If we start with the browser window > 600px (scrollTrigger active), then resize to mobile viewport (scrollTrigger inactive, as expected) and finally, resize back to desktop view the ScrollTrigger will be broken. Could you have a look on this link? https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-2prnhv?file=src%2FApp.js,src%2Findex.js.
  2. @Rodrigo Thank you for the reply. I understand that it's difficult to give support on large code bases. In the end, I've managed to solve some issues. I still have one issue that is related to the ScrollTrigger and the gsap.matchMedia(). I have 2 elements using the ScrollTrigger on "components/Services.jsx" and right now the component has this check for the matchMedia() below, and if the user is on less than 600px wide (mobile), the ScrollTrigger would be ignored. I think I am doing something wrong on these 2 lines below. If I comment these 2 lines, the effect would work normally, but then it also would run on mobile and that's not the intention. Could you please have a look? let mm = gsap.matchMedia(); mm.add("(min-width: 600px)", () => { I've made a new demo with only this issue. https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-fpbyhx?file=app%2Flayout.jsx,app%2Fcomponents%2FServices.jsx PS: I am using the ScrollSmoother on "layout.jsx". Thank you
  3. Hello, I am using ScrollSmoother and ScrollTrigger for the "first time" and I am now on a point that I really need to reach out for help. (I have a codesandbox link below) Before I describe my problem, I would like to show what I have done so far: https://dlw-digital-website.netlify.app/home-desktop 1 – ScrollSmoother: When compared with a desktop, a mobile device will have always less power and performance. I would like to initiate the ScrollSmoother only for non-mobile devices. What I mean by "non-mobile" devices are: Desktops/Laptops and Smart TV's (doesn't really matter if these devices are `touch` or not). The main idea is to have a more "cheap performance scrolling" for mobiles, by disabling the ScrollSmoother and add some "in view" CSS animations (for example, a simpler fade-in). So far I was able to use `if (ScrollTrigger.isTouch === 0) {` or `mm.add("(min-width: 600px)", () => {` but this doesn't really works for the Smart TV's. Is there any other solution? 2 – ScrollTrigger: I am using ScrollTrigger to pin and scrub some elements, for example on the "Our Services" section on the homepage. This is a very pleasing effect, but I have a problem with mobile devices... the "sticky" elements they are glitchy on scroll when used in combination with the ScrollSmoother. I've been looking into this issue for quite some time and, from what I've read here on the forum, I am probably using more than one single ScrollTrigger() to "manage" all the ScrollTrigger animations. Although by not using the ScrollSmoother on mobile will fix this issue, I would like to know if somebody could have a look on the codesandbox link below and help me by showing how could I have 2 ScrollTriggers and "connect" them. This might be easy to do with `useContext()`, but I am not sure how could I use the "main ScrollTrigger" inside of another component, for instance the `TextReveal.jsx`. I had a look on the GSAP starters at StackBitz, but I couldn't really figure out how to do it. 3 – Animated background color change on scroll Today I've updated the ScrollSoother code to use one example I saw on the starters and it seems to work fine, even when we navigate between pages. But now, the "Animated background color" effect is broken. You can find this piece of code commented on the `_app.jsx` file. I've tried to remove the `ScrollTrigger.create()` and do it in another way, with gsap.to() and gsap.fromTo(), but the effects would not be the same as `onEnter` and `onLeave`. This issue is probably happening because I am new to gsap and I don't know quite well all the available options, and how to handle them, let say. Another problem raised in the meanwhile is that since I am not using the ScrollSmoother on mobile, this functionality also does not work on mobile. Here is the link to the codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/p/devbox/zc3nw5?file=%2Fsrc%2Fpages%2F_app.jsx%3A49%2C39 PS: you might need to run `npm run dev` If you need any extra info or so, please just let me know and I will provide what is needed. Thank you in advance, Nuno
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