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  1. Hey, quick update just in case anyone is struggling to do something similar but I managed to achieve what I wanted by building a perfect looping animation timeline and using the Observer plugin to navigate through it by scrolling, similar to the last codepen linked by Rodrigo. I also looked at this codepen and it helped me a lot : https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/NWBLzWy Once again thanks a lot @Rodrigo !!
  2. Hi, thanks again for your help @Rodrigo I'll look into both the options and hopefully I'll managed to get what I want
  3. Hey, I'm back with new problems As you suggested, I tried to make a single timeline to handle well all the animations but I had an issue when trying to add a new feature. Basically, I'm trying to add a sort of custom snap so that the current panel will slide out of the screen when the user has already scrolled like 20% of the screen. So, I tried adding a regular animation (not linked with the scrolltrigger from the timeline) inside my timeline but while the animation is playing it seems that the scroll continues and is causing issues. I would like the scroll to be disabled during the animation Try scrolling really fast on this CodePen and you will see by yourself https://codepen.io/diaiggaux/pen/OJdxVVX I tried disabling the ScrollTrigger before the animation and enabling it back after but it doesn't work and I have no idea why this is happening or how to solve this I have other ideas to do what I want but I'm not sure they are good options, I thought about implementing a sort of custom snapping with the snap from scrolltrigger and I also thought about making a timeline by panel and starting another timeline after another one ends. I would really appreciate if someone could help me a bit and point me in the right direction (if there is one)
  4. Thanks again for your help, I know what I'm trying to do is complicated and I wasn't expecting you or someone else to do everything for me. I'm already really glad that you are answering that fast I guess I'm going to keep trying until I find something or abandon the endless loop and settle with the single timeline which will be easier for everything else
  5. Hey @Rodrigo thanks a lot for your answer. That's pretty much what I imagined but I hoped there was another solution because another goal for the website is to make the scroll an infinite loop. I've seen the helper function provided and I managed to use it correctly in other attempts. But by doing a single timeline like you suggested I feel like making it looping might be difficult and tricky. Do you think it's possible to do this ?
  6. Hi I'm new to gsap and ScrollTrigger and I'm currently trying to do a fully horizontal website using ScrollTrigger. But I would like to be able to scroll horizontally inside a panel without triggering the global horizontal scroll and so changing panel. I tried to make a minimal demo so for example, I made a looping moving text in the orange panel but ideally I would like to be able to make the text move by scrolling Basically, I want to scroll normally to the orange panel, once I'm in it, when I scroll only the text is moving and when the text is done scrolling, if I continue to scroll I end up in the purple panel. I don't know if what I am asking is even possible (I've been looking for days for a solution) but if it is, it would be amazing if someone could point me in the right direction Fyi, I already tried to make the orange panel with more width to simply scroll through it but I found out it made other parts of my project more difficult (like snapping to the next panel) so I don't think it's a good solution
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