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Everything posted by websty

  1. Fantastic, this is what I would like, it turns out I need to study Observer first for the task I need and only then study the scroll trigger. Super, I'll study your codeopen first and try to repeat the full logic as in FULLPAGE.JS. I greatly appreciate your help! Have good day, I am going to study Observer.
  2. I thank you for your time and effort! However, I can’t figure out how to remove the condition that the section scrolling animation starts the moment I release the mouse roller. What I mean, now for a full scrolling animation to occur one section at a time, I have to scroll the mouse roller a little and stop, and then with a short pause the section is fully scrolled, but if I am active while scrolling, I will not see this animation of the full section scrolling. I tried to make a screenshot of the cast demonstrating what I mean. Demo Sorry for my English, i hope is clear in video
  3. Yes, I'm new to GSAP, I have so far learned basic animations such as from and fromTo. Perhaps I need to focus on studying the scroll trigger to learn to understand these functions fully. In any case, I am grateful for the answer, if anyone has an example like in my reference it will be easier for me to study it. But if by that time I have mastered the scroll trigger, I think I will be able to do such a scroll myself.
  4. This is 90% what I need. The fact is that horizontal scrolling here has a short pause before changing a section, and vertical scrolling does not include the entire section (is this really the maximum that can be done?)
  5. Hello everyone! I want to create a full-page scroll website with vertical and horizontal scroll, to make a presentation. I tried to find a reference on codeopen, but I found only full page vertical scroll without horizontal scroll. Will be better to create a function based on 2 CSS classes. I prefer to use GSAP because I would like to animate hero texts, buttons, and images, and in order not to harm optimizations, do not use dozens of libraries. Reference: https://alvarotrigo.com/fullPage/extensions/scroll-horizontally.html
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