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Everything posted by maxwo

  1. I now combined it with ScrollTrigger. I like it! Thanks again for sharing your idea @mvaneijgen. https://codepen.io/xj6652/pen/bGzgOWL
  2. Hey @mvaneijgen Thanks for your hint with the conic-gradient! I wasn't aware that this existed. Great! I didn't know the best way to start this animation, so I didn't have a demo. I am aware that ideally I always have a first draft on Codepen. And will keep it in mind for next time. I also will share my scrollable version here when it is ready! Thanks!
  3. Hi, I would like to make an animation on scroll but I have no idea how I can achieve this animation. So I am writing to this forum to get a tip on how to approach this animation. Once I've implemented it, I'll be happy to share the code in this post. So what I would like to achieve is changing the background color of a div with a radial animation like in the pictures attached. The new color will expand from the center to 360 degrees, like a clock. Does someone have an idea how this could be done?
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