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Rizwan Wbst

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Everything posted by Rizwan Wbst

  1. Here is my code for the SVG path animation I want to stop the animation when the the started and crashed both values are true, it did call the pause function but it never did stop. please help to understand where i'm wrong const DynamicChart = ({ delay, started, crashed, launchTime }) => { // console.log('delay, started, crashed, launchTime---',delay(), started, crashed, launchTime); const dRef = useRef(null); const lRef = useRef(null); const uRef = useRef(null); const jRef = useRef(null); const bRef = useRef(null); const hRef = useRef(null); const [f, setF] = useState(null); const [N, setN] = useState(null); const seconds = (Date.now() - (launchTime || 0)) / 1e3; const I = (e, t, a, c, n) => { const d1 = t.current?.getAttribute("d"); const d2 = a.current?.getAttribute("d"); c.to(e.current, { duration: 40, paused: n, attr: { d: d1 } }, "+=1") .to(e.current, { duration: 40, paused: n, attr: { d: d2 } }, "+=1") .to(e.current, { duration: 40, paused: n, attr: { d: d2 } }, "+=1"); }; useEffect(() => { if (started && crashed) { setF(gsap.timeline({ defaults: { duration: 1 }, paused: true })); setN(gsap.timeline({ defaults: { duration: 1 }, paused: true })); } else if (started) { setF(gsap.timeline({ defaults: { duration: 1 } })); setN(gsap.timeline({ defaults: { duration: 1 } })); } }, [started, crashed]); useEffect(() => { if (N && f) { if (!crashed) { const r = seconds >= 7 ? seconds - 7 : 0; N.seek(r); f.seek(r); I(dRef, jRef, hRef, f, crashed); I(lRef, uRef, bRef, N, crashed); } else { f.pause(); N.pause(); } } }, [crashed, seconds, N, f, jRef, hRef, lRef, uRef, bRef, dRef]); const getSVG = (e, t, a, c) => { return ( <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 790 516"> <defs> <linearGradient id={c ? "lineGradient" : "pathGradient"} gradientTransform="rotate(80)" > <stop offset="100%" stopColor="#fd4a95" stopOpacity={c ? 1 : 0.4}> <animate attributeName="stopColor" values="#fd4a95" dur="3s" repeatCount="indefinite" ></animate> </stop> <stop offset="100%" stopColor="#dd7dab20" stopOpacity={c ? 1 : 0}> <animate attributeName="stop-color" values="#dd7dab20" dur="3s" repeatCount="indefinite" ></animate> </stop> </linearGradient> </defs> <path ref={e} className={c ? 'glc-l' : 'glc-g'} d="M790,516H0L0,410.1C274.03013,325.17245,509.13669,190.059,701.62815,0H790Z" ></path> <path ref={t} d="M790,516H0L0,410.1C307.15109,408.69073,604.58475,296.45161,701.62815,0H790Z" ></path> <path ref={a} d="M790,516H0L0,410.1C395,410.1,701.62815,335.7353,701.62815,0H790Z" ></path> </svg> ); }; return ( <div className="game-line-chart-holder absolute-splash" style={delay(0)}> <ul className="absolute-splash"> <li className="absolute-splash">{getSVG(dRef, jRef, hRef, false)}</li> <li className="absolute-splash">{getSVG(lRef, uRef, bRef, true)}</li> </ul> </div> ); };
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