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  1. That would explain the error. Thanks, Jack. That fixed the issue.
  2. Thanks Jack, how would I add that in the codepen I shared?
  3. Thanks Rodrigo. That didn't help. I wonder if anyone else can replicate it? I'm on Mac Chrome.
  4. Hi - I have set up horizontal scroll for a section that is reached by a simple anchor link. This doesn't happen every time, maybe 25% of the time, but what happens is when you jump to the horizontal scroll section, when you start scrolling, it'll jump a bit, like a stutter, then work fine. Like I say, you might need to use the anchor link 4 or 5 times to see it happen. Any ideas? Thanks!
  5. I see that the issue with animating the first section is that it's scrollTrigger's progress is set to 1 when we are beneath it. Is there a way to set the progress to 0 instead?
  6. Hello! I am needing to create multiple instances of vertically scrolling content in a horizontal scrolling section. As you will see, I have an unordered list that needs to scroll vertically to see all of the content. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
  7. Hmmm, that works great when navigating to the second section. But when going back to the first, it is still animated. (Sorry, not sure how to embed the codepen example again, but I updated my original one).
  8. Hi @Rodrigo, This makes a lot of sense. One question, though, is there a way to make the navigation instant? I don't want to see the scrolling animation. Thanks!
  9. Hi, I would like to be able to navigate between two scrolling sections. Right now it works, but how can I be sure to always go to the beginning of the section? Also, I want the animation to be instantaneous. Also, there is a weird stutter sometimes once I have navigated to the section. Not sure what is causing that.
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