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M Sameer

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  1. Hi There, This works great thank you so much. Can we also add next/previous arrows as well? If any one can add that as well that would be awesome. I tried to add it but when I double click the arrow it doesn't calculate the rotation accurately. leftArrow.addEventListener("click", (event) => { const myTimeout = setTimeout(() => rotateWheel(1), 500); }); rightArrow.addEventListener("click", (event) => { const myTimeout = setTimeout(() => rotateWheel(-1), 500); }); function rotateWheel(direction) { const totalImages = images.length; const angle = (360 / totalImages) * direction; const currentRotation = gsap.getProperty(".wheel", "rotation"); const newRotation = currentRotation + angle; console.log('testtttt', images.length); gsap.to(".wheel", { rotation: newRotation, duration: images.length, ease: "power1.inOut", scrollTrigger: { start: 0, end: "max", scrub: 1, snap: 1 / images.length, invalidateOnRefresh: true } }); } Thank you, Sameer
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