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hani1990's Achievements

  1. I got an error here: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'totalTime') at Timeline.restart (gsap.min.js:10:20564) at tl.clear (confettiCuisine.js:118:10) at Socket.<anonymous> (confettiCuisine.js:145:16) at Emitter.emit (index.mjs:136:20) at Socket.emitEvent (socket.js:498:20) at Socket.onevent (socket.js:485:18) at Socket.onpacket (socket.js:455:22) at Emitter.emit (index.mjs:136:20) at manager.js:204:18 and this is the code ::: function bel(){ const sound = new Audio('/sound/mixkit-fairy-message-notification-861.wav'); sound.addEventListener('canplaythrough', ()=>{ sound.play(); }) } let tl = gsap.timeline( {paused: true, repeat:2}); tl.play = function(){ tl .to(leftBell, { duration: 0.15, css: { scale: 1.2, skewY: "1deg", skewX: "-1deg" }, ease: Power0.easeNone }) .to(rightBell, { duration: 0.15, css: { scale: 1.2, skewY: "1deg", skewX: "-1deg" }, ease: Power0.easeNone }) .to(bodyBell, { x: 0, transformOrigin: "50% 50%" }) .to(bodyBell, { keyframes: [ { x: -3, rotate: 10}, { x: 1.5, rotate: -10}, { x: -1.5, rotate: 6.0 }, { x: 1.5, rotate: -4.4}, { x: -1.5, rotate: 2.2 } ], duration:0.4, ease: Power0.easeNone }); } tl.clear = function (){ this.kill(); this.restart(); } // const submit = () => { function submit() { form.addEventListener('submit', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); socket.emit('message', { content: chatInput.value, userName: Username.value, id: Id.value }); chatInput.value = ""; return false; }); // what i get from the server socket.on('message', (msg) => { if(window.location.pathname !=="/chat"){ displayMessage(msg); bel(); tl.play(); }else{ displayMessage(msg); tl.clear(); } chat.scrollTop = chat.scrollHeight; }) socket.on('load all messages', (data) => { data.forEach(message => { displayMessage(message); }) chat.scrollTop = chat.scrollHeight; }) }
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