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  1. I had the same thing, making it false made Safari work much better! Thank you!
  2. Carl, never mind, I figure it out, I just added the reverse to the click for each timeline and it does the trick. Thanks for your help again. Peter
  3. Carl, thanks for quick answer, that makes perfect sense. Another hopefully quick question. Per my codepen I like to create a timeline sequence for each link. I will have 3 different anchors controlling each timeline. I'm little confused how to combine and reverse them. How could I play one section on a click and reverse the other two? Hope this make sense. Thank you, Peter
  4. Envision3

    Paused Timeline

    Hello, I have a small problem with paused timeline. For some reason the timeline plays after the second click and not on the first. Is there a way to initialize the timeline on first click. Here is a example: http://codepen.io/NewFaceDesign/pen/jpBdt If you click on link 1 the timeline is not being initialized until the link 1 is clicked again. After that it plays on every click. Thanks for your help. Peter
  5. That's works perfectly, thank you for your help.
  6. Hello guys, I have one more question, is it possible to add a tween or css class when the timeline on reversing only and then remove it on play? Thanks for you help. Peter
  7. Thank you so much for your help. Peter
  8. Hi, First I want to say great forums, I have been reading and learning a lot, thank for helping out. This is more probobly jquery than GSAP problem but I'm trying to play and reverse my timeline on click event. I'm struggling to bind the play() and reverse() to my function. When buttom is clicked the timeline will play and reverse it. Here is what I have so far: var tl = new TimelineLite(); $('.home').on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); tl.to('.sidebar, .main', 1, {x:-231, ease:Power2.easeIn}); }); What is the best way of binding play() and reverse() to a same anchor? I would really appreciate your help. Thanks, Peter
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