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Everything posted by Youness-ma

  1. wow, this is exactly what I was looking for, thanks a lot!
  2. Hi, I've applied an animation to a list of words within an HTML structure. However, when the animation reaches the last word, there is a 1-second delay before it starts animating the first word again. This delay creates an empty space in the animation for 1 second, how can I remove this delay, so the animation would look like it has no end or start here is my code const words = [...document.querySelectorAll(".word")]; const tl = gsap.timeline({ repeat: -1, repeatDelay: 0 }); words.forEach((word: HTMLElement, index) => { word.style.position = "absolute"; const splitTitle = new SplitText(word, { type: "chars" }); tl.from( splitTitle.chars, { opacity: 0, y: 120, stagger: 0.1, duration: 1, ease: "back.out", }, "<" ).to( splitTitle.chars, { opacity: 1, y: -120, stagger: 0.1, duration: 1, delay: 1, ease: "back.out", }, "<1" ); });
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