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Alan Senderovich

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Everything posted by Alan Senderovich

  1. Hello everyone! I have this code and when I click on the button, the animation of taking me to the next section stops halfway. On desktop it almost reaches the next section, and on mobile it barely moves. I need that when the button is clicked, it goes to the next complete section. I will greatly appreciate any kind of help! Thanks for your time!
  2. Hello everyone, I have this code that works very well in CodePen both on desktop and mobile (on mobile I checked it with my cell phone and it works great). The problem is that when I want to implement it in the browser (both locally and in production), the animation stops taking effect on mobile. I have already tried many options but none of them work. I don't know why in CodePen it works fine, but in the browser it doesn't anymore. Anyone who can help me will be very grateful! Thanks for your time!!
  3. Hello! I can't find a way so that once the button redirects to section 2, the scroll continues to have its usual behavior. What happens right now is that after the redirect, scrollUp no longer works, and scrollDown takes me back to section 1. I need to be able to continue scrolling normally up and down from section 2. Thanks a lot for your time!! I will be attentive to the comments and I thank you in advance!
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