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Bielke and Yang

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  1. I think you are on to something there. All images are preloaded, but if I only show 4, the bug doesn't happen, only when I have a wide "canvas" of images.
  2. Hello! I'm using the excellent horizontal loop helper with a Draggable and it's working fine, except in Chrome where images "pop" in, as if lazyloading or something? Has anyone had this problem? It only happens in Chrome! Another weird thing is that if I scroll just a pixel up or down, the image loads. Seems like some kind of optimization Chrome does with its rendering? I took a screen recording of it here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ltwbvn1eknykyme0ssksl/image-pop.mp4?rlkey=5o6ia7l76t71606urtut7o5hv&dl=0 You can see the entering the viewport on the right "popping" in. Any clues to what this could be, and if there's any tricks to circumvent it? Thanks!
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