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  1. Wrap the whole page in the wrapper!! Gotcha! Makes sense. I completely overlooked that. Thanks. Also, I appreciate you updating the GSAP and ScrollTrigger versions. I would have never realised that. ? This is looking much better. Thank you. I noticed that you removed data-speed="2" as well. Is this meaningless?
  2. Hi mvaneijgen, Thanks for the response. I appreciate it, sorry for being a complete rookie! ? The scrub value is a nice touch! For the start/end scroll positions this seemed about right: start: "bottom 90%", end: "top 10%", The length seems good, but currently the fade-in is almost non-existent (or looks too fast). What can I tweak for this? Mainly, I'm just struggling to add ScrollSmoother. I'm following the tutorials, and have added the code that the tutorials cover, but nothing seems to have an effect. Any extra pointers would be a huge help at this stage. Thanks again. Text Fade In & Out Smooth Scroll (codepen.io)
  3. Hi everyone, Can anyone point me in the direction of how to add ScrollSmoother to this pen? The effect is almost what I want, but I just need to ensure a smoother scroll that allows the text to appear & disappear much slower (and smoother). On a Desktop the mouse scroll is far too jumpy and makes it easy to miss the text. A mobile is better, but still not perfect. Thanks so much in advance
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