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Federico Giovannini

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  1. Oh actually your solution works with the command .totalDuration
  2. I'm trying to implement a ticker so I can test different animation durations to get the right feel for what the duration should be but my method seems to not be working? Is it because the duration is set once and not updated? Am I meant to put the whole timeline behaviour description in my timeline duration setting function? That seems wrong. Would appreciate any pointers!
  3. I apologise for being an absolute novice to JS and gsap but I'm a tad lost as to why this doesn't work. I'm trying to write code that takes two numbers and a duration to flash and scale as it animates a counter through the two numbers. I found this example on a separate thread : https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/poOaVZd But I cannot for the life of me understand why I'm unable to get the iterating of the numbers working, would appreciate any input, thanks!
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