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Posts posted by wieslawski

  1. @GreenSock

    In the first post I wrote:

    11 hours ago, wieslawski said:

    The problem is that nested timelines start running a few milliseconds later (I assume that the reason is that a created timeline is processed at the next tick)

    So I was expecting this to be the problem. Regardless, thank you so much for your elaborated response, I was not aware of registering the time difference. This makes your solution is better than mine (V2 from the first post), because nested timeline is in sync with outer one.


    I have one last question - is there no easy way to add a synced timeline so it doesn't affect the parent's total time? 

    If not, what do you think of this solution (adding method to Timeline's prototype, that uses your approach):

    See the Pen RwExRQX by Dariusz-Zarzycki (@Dariusz-Zarzycki) on CodePen


    Obviously, it can be easily modified to use custom positions as well. 


  2. @mvaneijgen Thanks for your code. Unfortunately it does not meet my needs. Main timeline does not end (as I stated, the nested animation should be independent - meaning it should not affect the outer timeline) and there is no continuation to it.

    However if I modify it just a little bit it becomes a great example of what I mean:

    See the Pen WNLXBEB by Dariusz-Zarzycki (@Dariusz-Zarzycki) on CodePen


    Each time you run it you can get a different result, but quite often you'll see result like:

    MAIN TIMELINE CONTINUE, time passed: 996
    ROTATING BOX STARTED, time passed: 1002

    And this may cause 1 frame delay (between nested animation start, and main animation continuation) which is unaccaptable for me.

  3. Hey @mvaneijgen!


    Thank you for your reply. I modified codepen demo according to your advice.


    The base issue is:

    I want to create an animation (let's call it OUTER_ANIM). At certain point in time of that animation I would like to start an independent, dynamically created animation (let's call it NESTED_ANIM). At the same point I would like to continue OUTER_ANIM. I would like the effects of continuation of OUTER_ANIM and start of NESTED_ANIM to be rendered in the same frame.


    My approach is to create a timeline, and add a callback that creates the nested timeline. The result is that continuation of the outer timeline starts a few milliseconds before the start of the nested timeline (V1 in codepen demo) which can result in a single frame difference.

    If I modify the approach by adding .progress(1).progress(0) (V2 in codepen demo) than it works fine, but I guess that this is not a proper way to achieve the goal.


  4. I am using GSAP to create multiple complex animations. Parts of such animations are detached from the main timeline - at certain points new timelines are created using a callback function. The callback function is required, because nested timelines are created dynamically and can be repeated infinitely.

    The problem is that nested timelines start running a few milliseconds later (I assume that the reason is that a created timeline is processed at the next tick). This few milliseconds can result in rendering nested timeline with a single frame delay.

    The fix I found is to nest timeline like this (in codepen demo I did not include the suppressEventsparameter so that nested timeline can print output): 

    .add(() => createNestedTimeline().progress(1, true).progress(0, true))

    It doesn't look pretty though. Is there a way to do this properly?

    See the Pen MWZOxWJ by Dariusz-Zarzycki (@Dariusz-Zarzycki) on CodePen

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