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Everything posted by Cdubuu

  1. Awesome! I appreciate all the help, you have been great. I am more than confident I have everything I need now. Thank you
  2. Thank you for responding so quickly! I do like what you did with the first solution in the sense that I kind of get an idea of what I need to do. However there is a portion of example that I think got lost because of how it is presented(my fault). In the my example the links are displayed in a way that it looks like it is on a wheel when scrolling. I achieved it by looping through each link and rotating them on the x-axis. I would like to incorporate the opacity solution you presented, but I am having trouble figuring out how I would do so. It looks like the opacity solution you made takes the array and then uses the keyframes property to achieve the opacity effect, but in my example I am looping through the array and the keyframes property doesn't work since I am working with the individual link when setting properties. I can't really think of a good way to maintain the positioning without looping through them. Sorry I am not trying to make you do this for me, I am just kind of new with gsap and I also failed math in school. I am envisioning the end result would maintain the wheel look and as the links rotate they also go opaque. New pen: https://codepen.io/cdubu/pen/zYyPzEL
  3. I currently have a carousel(attached codepen). I would like the items to fade in from opacity 0 to 1, center viewport being where I would like the opacity of 1. Then once it moves past the center it then fades back out. When I add opacity to the fromTo it applies the same value to all of the links. I suspect that there is some equation that could be used, much like the rotationX, but I am just not good with equations/math. I am also aware that the whole thing might need to be redone to accommodate. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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