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Everything posted by Davedo

  1. I can't thank you enough. The problem was way less complicated than i thought. Some of my image-wrappers where still set to width + height = auto. Adjusting them to fixed values solved my issue! GSAP is just awesome! Thanks for everyone contributing to such a cool software Appreciated your help, David
  2. Thanks for your advice! I have a navbar, it changes color-mode whenever the top of a "trigger-dark-nav" element hits the top of my screen. If this element's end hits the top of my viewport, the nav turns back to its default - white mode. I am loading in html afterwards, this might effect the points to shift. I will try fiddeling around with some of your methods now. Will let you updated THANKS for your help! David
  3. Hello, I've been working on a personal site for the past few months. Everything worked fine. However since my last checks the Scrolltrigger responsible for the nav changing color didnt work well anymore. Here is a link to my development environment: https://davidkathrein.webflow.io/ (markers are enabled). The code responsible for the color change: $(".trigger-dark-nav").each(function (index) { let triggerElement = $(this); let tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: triggerElement, // trigger element - viewport markers: true, start: "top top", end: "bottom top", scrub: false, toggleActions: "play reverse play reverse" } }); tl.to(".navbar", { backgroundColor: "#3D3D3D4D", duration:0.1 },0); tl.to(".navbar-container", { color: "#FFFFFF", borderColor: "#7B7B7B", duration:0.1 },0); tl.to(".navbar-links-menu", { color: "#FFFFFF", duration:0.1 },0); tl.to(".navbar-cta-wrap", { color: "#AABDFF", duration:0.1 },0); }); Explanation of the situation: On my page i have multiple "dark-sections", those have the class "trigger-dark-nav". As mentioned earlier since the last month every Scrolltrigger seems shifted. Which makes the nav color change seem random. I have already tried refreshing them at the bottom of the body aswell as triggering a Scrolltrigger.refresh() on the first "trigger-dark-nav" element - which didn't work aswell. Thanks for your help in advance! David PS: if any more code or informations are needed, let me know. I will check this post regularly.
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