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Rushita Thummar

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Everything posted by Rushita Thummar

  1. When i use GSAP for the horizonatal scroll. It not work in my react application. I think reason is in "pin-spacer" class padding display 0. and in your example showing padding as per div width from the bottom. Where i did mistake. please guide me.
  2. I already used this code. But I want smoke effect should be work when mouse move on the text. in this example I saw this issue. Means when mouse move on the text. smoke effect not work. I have one example site. I want same as reference site. Here is the example site: https://soulda16.club/
  3. How can I achieve smoke reveal effect. I already achieve the smoke reveal effect. But my section display some text. and when i hover on text. smoke effect not working. If I use z-index on canvas. then canvas not display. If I not use z-index. then text not display. My requirement is display the text and smoke effect also working on mouse hover. even when i hover on text. please give me solution. index5.html
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