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Adriano Resende

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  1. @mvaneijgen Oh my god, thank you a bunch for your time to teach me, gratefully. ? The code is simpler; It will teach me a lot about the structure for future projects.
  2. I avoided animation with X or xPercent because the `transform` is focused on the element self. The `position` works on the parent area; It helps to work better with responsive design. Removing `left` propriety doesn't need to animate back into the shadow or all to the right. Does it make sense? Thanks for the tip, I'll refactor to use `toArray`. @mvaneijgen I loved the example you did. From now on, I will code the functions to read better. As I'm learning GSAP, with your example, how do I reverse to the same initial? Note: I explained above why I don't use x or xPercent; I don't know what the best way to animate with the same `position` behavior
  3. @Toso It's the example that @mvaneijgen used above? @mvaneijgen Thank you! I'm learning the code that you made. Your example works very well; I see that you removed the function `onLeaveBack()`, which stops organizing the cards when the scroll is back. I'm trying to back this function, and it's possible to work for all cards? something this code: onLeaveBack: () => { { clearProps: "left" } } Screenshot when the scroll is back:
  4. Hello there, I'm so happy that it is my first code with GSAP, and I would like to share it with the community. I was inspired to build the cards, moving to the left while scrolling, and finally, I finished it. It works perfectly when it scrolls normally (ssometimes) or slower, but the animation may not deliver the expected experience when it scrolls faster. Scroll slower, the result: Scroll faster, the result: What is the best way to avoid mess when it scrolls faster?
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