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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Perfect. Thank you for the detailed response. This will definitely save me some time, I greatly appreciate it.
  2. Maybe I'm just confused about what the implementation is going to be for a feature i've been brainstorming. sorry for trippleposting
  3. So I guess my question now might be, does pause() stop requestAnimationFrame from running inside the TweenLite instance? or does it simply stop the progression of the tween?
  4. Hi Jack. I have a scrolling javascript library I'm working on. The gist of the project is to micromanage scroll and requestAnimFrame events to ensure that objects that control DOM elements that aren't currently in the viewport aren't executing. The code goes something like this: var scrollable = { element: $('#foo_div'), scroll: function(e){ console.log("the page was scrolled"); }, render: function(e){ console.log("render animation frame is active"); } }; ScrollLibrary.watch(scrollable); /* If scrollable.element is on the screen, when the user scrolls the page, scrollable.scroll() fires. If scrollable.element is on the screen, the scrollable.render() method fires when scrollable.element is not on the screen, scrollable.scroll() and scrollable.render() are ignored */ This is made slightly more complex by a feature that I've implemented to help control what happens when you scroll. As a DOM element makes its way from the bottom of the viewport to the top of the viewport, the scrollable.scroll() method is passed a number between -1 (bottom of the screen) and 1 (top of the screen). var scrollable = { element: $('#foo_div'), scroll: function(e){ console.log("offset = " + e); }, render: function(e){ console.log("render animation frame is active"); } }; ScrollLibrary.watch(scrollable); What that allows me to do is proportionally scale between two values. Given a map method like this //mathutils for proportional scaling var mathutils = { normalize: function ($value, $min, $max) { return ($value - $min) / ($max - $min); }, interpolate: function ($normValue, $min, $max) { return $min + ($max - $min) * $normValue; }, map: function ($value, $min1, $max1, $min2, $max2) { if ($value < $min1){ $value = $min1; } if($value > $max1){ $value = $max1; } var res = this.interpolate(this.normalize($value, $min1, $max1), $min2, $max2); return res; } }; I can proportionally manage where on the screen elements land while scrolling var scrollable = { element: $('#foo_div'), scroll: function(e){ var elem_left = mathutils.map(e, -1, 1, 0, 100); this.element.css('left', elem_left); }, render: function(e){ console.log("render animation frame is active"); } }; ScrollLibrary.watch(scrollable); So now I've set the element's left value to 0 when it has just come onto the bottom of the screen, and 100 when it has just left the top of the screen. Taking this a bit further, and to finally get to the point, I can use this same mapping logic to seek to a percentage of a tween. //create circle var $circle = $('.circle'); //tween it var tween = TweenLite.to($circle, 2, { top: "200" }); tween.pause(); controlTween(tween, 1); function controlTween(tween, percentage){ var tDuration = tween.duration(); var timecodeByPercent = mathutils.map(percentage, 0, 1, 0, tDuration); tween.seek(timecodeByPercent); } http://jsbin.com/edewem/3/edit So by adding that along with the scrolling bit, I can tween any element as I scroll from the top to the bottom. Which really opens some doors to what the web can do, and makes rich scrolling sites pretty amazing. So, rather than calling pause on n number of tweening elements in the system, I'd rather just not send the render event to them. When they are back in the viewport they would just pick back up where they left off like nothing happened. If you've made it this far, Here's an example of it all working http://digitalsurgeonsdev.com/aaron/ The bottom panel is seeking to a percentage of a TimelineMax animation sequence of the InfinityBlade guy chopping the head off of a monster and blood spraying out.
  5. Thank you for your reply. This would work if you're trying to hitch something to run parallel to the frame rendering of TweenLite. What I'm trying to do is take complete control of the timer itself inside of TweenLite. So i can variably control its "ticking".
  6. I can't help but laugh at TweenLite.js p.render = function() { }; Yup, that's the one I want. Looks like I need to refactor this a little.
  7. Hello. I'd like to be able to turn requestAnimationFrame on and off for a number of elements that use it. Some of those elements aren't Tweens. Rather than specifically turning it on or off, I'd rather have control over the function that runs as a result of the requestAnimationFrame inside of TweenLite via a method like tick(). Psudocode var tween = TweenLite.to(element, 1, {width:"50%"}); var running = true; tween.override(); function renderTween(){ if(!running){ return false }; requestAnimFrame(renderTween); tween.tick(); } renderTween(); Anyone have any ideas? Thanks, Aaron
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