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  1. Thank you ! I wasn't able to stumble upon those articles somehow ^^'
  2. Hello ! I'm aware this is probably an easily fixable mistake, but I'm still very new to web development, especially using gsap. Basically I have a navbar that I want to open and close with onClick() on the same button in React. I tried following multiples tutorials and forum posts, but I am still struggling to make it work like I want it to. I'd appreciate any help, tips or answers. Thank you in advance for your time ! (I also don't really use codepen but I am more than willing to try and use it, if it's of use for you) function Navbar() { const [navbarIsOpen, setNavbarIsOpen] = useState(false); function NavbarAnimate() { const tl = gsap.timeline({ reversed: navbarIsOpen, }) tl.fromTo(".navbar-link", { x:-400, opacity:0 },{ x:0, opacity:1, stagger:-0.02 }) tl.fromTo("#navbar", { backgroundColor: "rgb(12, 17, 23, 0.0)" },{ backgroundColor: "rgb(12, 17, 23, 0.8)" }) tl.reversed() ? tl.play() : tl.reverse() } And here is the onClick() I use on my button : <i className="..." onClick={() => { setNavbarIsOpen(!navbarIsOpen); NavbarAnimate(); }}/> Thank you again for taking the time to check out my problem, and sorry if this is a redundant and recurring mistake ! (Excuse my english as I'm not a native speaker)
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