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  1. Sorry for the delay, snowed under with work. Gsap js seems great and I'll post back to this thread if I encounter this again and think it's a valid issue. Thanks.
  2. Hi, thanks for the reply. I'll need to clean my code up a bit (probable it was just a problem with my code) and then I'll see if I can replicate it and will let you know either way.
  3. Hi I'm still quite fresh with my js and just trying to work out if what I'm experiencing is a problem with my code, or whether it's a gsap bug, or it's not even supposed to work how I expected. For example a part of my code that looks like the below, the following happens (as per console description): var tl = new TimelineMax({onComplete:function(){ console.log('I get called') }}) tl.to($('#sectionWrapper'), 0.5, {scrollTo: {x: targetX}, onStart:function(){ console.log('i also get called') }, onComplete: function (){ console.log('but i don\'t get called'); }}); I was expecting all console logs to happen... should they?
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