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Everything posted by kocoug

  1. I think I have to start over the javascript I'm confused which one to start with.
  2. https://codepen.io/kocoug/pen/ZEVQdXM I did it like this but I think I am doing it wrong way :C
  3. https://codepen.io/kocoug/pen/ZEVQdXM I uploaded on the codepen! I am trying to make the Macbook looks opening when I scroll down and macbook-cover-b.svg will be the screen image and zooming in to my main index page. (also closing when I scroll up. )
  4. I am trying to make a intro animation using Macbook to be opened when I scroll down. like https://incoding.co.kr/portfolio/index.html this page. I cloned the initial shape of the Macbook closed one but, I do not get it how to make it as opening while scrolling down and closing while scrolling up.
  5. I also realized it was using three.js when I opened developer tool :C What dose "have an element on top and just don't have it wrap around (or have two shapes one for the back and one for the front), with text that is just looping around" mean? I kind of can't get it clearly
  6. I was talking about the ribbon on the top.
  7. I made the hover effect like this! (if I copy my code on codepen, it dosent work well so I attached the file) Now I am stucked on making animation layer infinitely rotating around the gallery like the site https://cydstumpel.nl/ I think its gonna work by using @keyframe code but it dosent... or using .js? do you have any suggestion? gallery pracitce.zip
  8. Ohhh that is sooo cool!!! How can I make it to pop up the text when I hover the box like the site? I stucked on there
  9. Thank you so much!! I am trying to make it like https://cydstumpel.nl/ this page, do you have any suggestion? You are genius
  10. var counter = 0; $(document).bind("mousewheel", function(event){ if(event.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0){ counter += 10 console.log(counter) $(".gallery_box_outer").css({"transform":"perspective(1000px) rotateX(-8deg) rotateY("+counter+"deg)"}) } else{ counter -= 10 console.log(counter) $(".gallery_box_outer").css({"transform":"perspective(1000px) rotateX(-8deg) rotateY("+counter+"deg)"}) } }) This is only one that made it to move horizontally, but I want to make it with ScrollTrigger :C I have put it on codepen, but I don't know why it is not working.
  11. I am trying to make this 3d carousel gallery to horizontally scroll using Scrolltrigger(gsap), but I kept failed. Can anybody help me please? I tired tons of ways, but all failed What I am trying to make: If I scroll down or up, the 3d carousel gallery also rotates following scrolling.
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