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  1. @GSAP Helper I created a minimal demo but after starting the project on iPhone i just receive "unknown error" with the black screen ? The project is working fine on desktop, but i don't have any problems here. https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-2oywku?file=pages%2Findex.vue
  2. Hello, colleagues, I'm faced with another one mobile Safari issue. This is how it should work and it work in any other browsers => https://youtube.com/shorts/ShZ4IlI2AEI This is how it works in mobile Safari => https://youtube.com/shorts/r5BSIsRKXZk Short version of my code is below: initMobile(triggerBlock, animatedCards, animDuration, idx) { const cards = this.$gsap.utils.toArray(animatedCards) const timeline = this.$gsap.timeline({ paused: true }) cards.forEach((card) => { timeline.to(card, { y: 0, x: 0, z: 0, transformPerspective: 30, boxShadow: '0px 0px 13px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)' }) }) const config = { trigger: triggerBlock, start: 'top top', end: '+=' + animDuration, pin: true, scrub: true, animation: timeline } this.$ScrollTrigger.create(config) } I already tried a lot of options: with different z-indexes (i know about this Safary's "feature"), with "fromTo", with "to", animating "yPercent", "y" only. The final version is with x/y/z animation to force "transform3d". Nothing is helpful I have no any other ideas. Could you please help? Thanks
  3. @Cassie @Rodrigo First of all, I really appreciate your help and participation. Thanks to Cassie's example, I've created a solution that is very close to my expectations. The delay after pinning and before unpinning is a little bit confusing, but it's ten times better than what I had before. v2 The next question is about the "intentObserver" part of the example. I don't quite understand how it prevents normal scrolling. Therefore, I'm planning to study the documentation that Cassie attached to her last comment.
  4. @Cassie Hi, Cassie! Thanks a lot for your answer. I'm going to deal with this example, but, omg, i can't even understand how it works ?
  5. Hello there, I would like to make a slider at the same time as a pinned element so that scrolling is possible only after all slides have been scrolled. Please, look at the example i have prepared. I've made a slider that work, but so many bugs there Could you please help me to find a better way to solve my problem?
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